Well, there's a lot to say today. First of all, I'm sorry it took this long to get this posting typed up, but there was a lot happening that was related to the DEXCOM and its systems. Second, I was up at 4:15 am today because the receiver that I had been using alarmed with a false low. Unfortunately, I couldn't recalibrate it at the time because the arrows were straight down with 74 one arrow down. Oddly, it recalibrated on its own in time for me to get up again after going back to sleep for a few more hours this morning before breakfast.
Last week was the last G4 sensor I used. It was working pretty well except for the false low today, of course. I can't believe how time can go so fast sometimes. I had been using the G4 for almost 5 years. It was pretty reliable when things would work like they were suppose to. Nothing is perfect, but it was good compared to what I had years ago before using any type of CGM.
I spent most of my day on the phone getting the new system (G6) set up and working. If you look at the picture that's with this posting, the picture is of my new G6 receiver while it's in the 2 hour warm up period. No calibrations are needed for the new system unless you don't enter a code from the sensor itself before doing anything. The new receiver is touch screen. It's also a little bigger than my G4 receiver had been in comparison. The other thing is, you can have the sensors last for 10 days instead of just 7 days. So, saying that, depending on how the sensors go, I plan to do the postings and updates once or twice every 10 days from now on.
Well, this is all for now. Everyone stay safe, happy and healthy. More to come soon.