I went for meal last night and took my humalog but planned to take my lantus later. This morning I was testing my sugars and it was 20.1!!! I will shocked and didn't know what to do then thought what could have caused that? Now realised I forgot to take my lantus last night...Ive no idea what to do now. No gp today
Lantus : I went for meal last night... - Diabetes Research...

Hi Hidden ,
Please test more often and see what your blood sugars are before and after meals/snacks. Keep track of your numbers and let your doctor know what had happened when you get in touch with him/her next week.😀 I hope this helps.
I agree with Activity2004 make sure to check your blood sugars before and after meals and snacks. Let your doctor know your numbers
Hi Sid, going out for meals is always a night mare. How many bags of sugar in meal ? You don't read the side of the packet & get the carb reading. Its hard work !
Hi Sid
Best to develop strategies to deal with this in discussion with your medical team. Lantus can be split into 2 doses morning and night which can help some people with control, but only do this under medical advice. This would at least mean that you wouldn't spend all the next day without any Lantus in your system. Missing the Lantus could alone explain the high sugar - these things happen from time to time. You may also have underestimated the meal eating out - again very easy to do.

I agree with all the comments here. In this situation I would have taken a lower dose of my Lantus to get some basal insulin in my system, done a corrective dose of my Humalog to get my BG level down and also tested for ketones (if you have sticks or a meter) then I would have monitored and tested closely for the next few hours. If I didn't see a suitable change I would then call my GP or nurse for advice. And, yeah, meals out are a definite nightmare. I usually split my Humalog doses into two or three depending on the meal. It's a faff but works. A lot of restaurants, especially the chains have carbohydrate guides for their menus, so it's always worth asking that question.