Well, to begin with, the sensor that I had used last week was acting up and kept going in and out with the numbers. When the numbers weren't being reported, the amount of time kept getting longer and longer. Odd thing, this usually was happening around the time of 9:30 pm and later each night. Last night was the worst. I know a person isn't suppose to recalibrate more than 2-3 times a day, but when I was about to go to sleep, my receiver alarmed saying that it wanted to be recalibrated (it had been recalibrated before my bedtime snack). So, somewhere between the 9:30 pm calibration and 11 pm, I had to do another calibration before finally falling asleep. To me, this says something isn't right.
Today, I had inserted the new sensor at home before going to my job. I ended up calibrating around 10:25 am, so the next calibration should be around bedtime.
So far, the new sensor is doing okay. I will have to see what happens over the weekend and most of next week. Depending on what happens, I may have to call and get another free sensor sent out before my Endocrinology appointment for September 23rd. I also have to print out the results from the last few weeks using the receiver to give as a copy. Hopefully, the paperwork will match up with the A1c results for this month. I won't get the results until the day of the appointment (it had to be rescheduled from next Monday to the 23rd). Will let you know what ends up happening soon!
Well, it's almost time for dinner here tonight, so I will stop for now and be back when I can. Stay tuned for the next update.