Hi everyone, please can I ask for your opinions and advice on something I have been experiencing?
Just to set the scene - I have been diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes for 14 years. I am on a Basal Bolus regimen and use Humalog as my fast acting insulin and Levemir as my background, which I split into an am and pm dose.
I generally have good blood-glucose control with the odd blip, something I’m sure many of you experience. I eat a well-balanced diet with plenty of salad, vegetables, fish, chicken etc. I hardly eat any red meat and keep my carbohydrate and calorie intake within the daily recommended levels. I am not overweight and have a very good HbA1c.
I try to eat a lot of salad and fish etc. for my main meals, which is understandably very low carb, however I consistently experience high post-prandial blood-glucose levels. This is something I initially thought was an anomaly, but it keeps happening and I’m confused as to why. For instance this was the situation yesterday and my meal –
Lunchtime at 1pm – chicken soup and a granary role followed by an apple. I tested and dose adjusted.
Nothing to eat until dinner time at 7pm. My pre-dinner blood-glucose test and reading was 5.7mmol. Perfect
Dinner was a portion of mozzarella and plum tomato quiche, baby lettuce leaves, celery, tomato, cucumber, olives, red pepper, spring onion, a very small piece of grated whisky cheddar cheese, 6 tortilla chips and mayo, salt and pepper and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil. I had a glass of water as my drink. I dose adjusted correctly for the pastry in the quiche and tortilla chips, taking into consideration the effect of the fat in the oil and cheese. What could go wrong?
My blood-glucose level three hours later was 16mmol. I took a corrective dose of 2 units of my Humalog plus a half unit extra, which should have brought my levels down to around 8mmols, but two hours later my blood-glucose level was still 15mmol, so I took a further corrective dose of 1 unit and this morning was still at 11mmols. I can’t figure out why this would happen with such a low carb meal of salad and vegetables, but it happens every time I have a similar meal, even with fish and chicken rather than something like quiche.
I will make an appointment with my consultant and dietitian, but in the meantime please heeeelp.
Do any of you experienced similar problems?