My Blood Sugar level is 232 after eating. How can I lower it? I'm a little dizzy. Already took my metformin this am
How to lower blood sugar: My Blood... - Diabetes Research...
How to lower blood sugar

Measures your blood sugar before eating, take the medicine prescribed before eating, control the calories of what you are eating. That is the basic step to contol the blood sugar. Also Consult your doctor and a diatischen.
Yes you are right, but fat and carbohydrates have to be Controller, whereas carbohydrates and more important that influence bloodsugar.
The short answer is to test, test, test. There's a reasonable chance that whatever you ate before your blood glucose hit 232 (12.8 mmol/l for European readers) is something that you as a diabetic cannot tolerate without a massive rise in blood glucose levels. So before all meals now test your levels immediately prior to eating, then two hours afterwards. If the rise is more than 2 mmol/l (36 dg/l) you may want to consider reducing the starchy carb part of the meal. Any rise over 5 mmol/l (180 dgl/l) should ring alarm bells and an examination of whether you really need to eat whichever carby component caused that spike.
I am pre-diabetic but am guaranteed diabetes because of family history and other issues. However, I am trying to put it off for as long as I can and have drastically reduced (halved, pretty much) the amount of carbohydrate that I eat. This has led to a massive improvement in my blood glucose levels.
Remember that diabetes is an illness of carbohydrate intolerance and that as a type 2 diabetic (I assume) you cannot, and should not, eat like other people if you want to live a long, complication-free life.
I would also advise dropping by the forums on (international membership) for advice. They are an amazing resource.
ow your lucky my blood level is 636 is that bad

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