Hi all I am suffering with night sweats and wake up soaked all over and kind of cold.. and occasionally a kind of shaky feeling. In the day I have to eat regular or I feel light headed and a little shaky too.. Is this Hypoglycemia ?? Did mention the sweats to the doc but as usual tests she did came back normal...!
Undiagnosed : Hi all I am suffering... - Diabetes Research...
Sounds like hypoglycemia to me. You should have your glucose levels tested. Fasting glucose test is more accurate.
capitaldistrictvitalitycent... : points out that
'People with hypoglycemia tend to have difficulty making the right amount of cortisol at the right times of the day or night. They also have blood sugar levels that spike and then crash throughout the day. If they go too long without eating they experience lightheadedness, irritability, shakiness, a spacey feeling, and other symptoms that signify the brain is not getting enough glucose. In these cases, not only does blood sugar drop too low during the night, but the adrenal glands don’t produce enough cortisol to keep the brain fueled. In response, the body sounds the emergency alarm by releasing “fight-or-flight” hormones. These stress hormones raise blood sugar back to a safer level. Unfortunately, they also raise stress, which can cause anxiety or panic in the middle of the night. Hence the waking up at 3 a.m. and not being able to fall back asleep.'
Local chemist or supermarket chemist can nowadays do fasting blood glucose tests ( you do not eat for 12 hours can drink water).
Check the time that you can get the test done and make sure you do not eat anything 12 hours before your test.
This is free and quick, the chemist can also give you some advice.
you may need to consider a life style change, food intake control (portion size) and regular exercise.
Thank you loads I will visit the chemist tomorrow...!!! So how is it treated? Literally diet and exercise ??
Depends on the levels. If blood glucose high, GP should follow up with HbA1c testt. If diabetes, or level 2 diabetes, there is medication Metformin, patient.co.uk/health/treatm...
Hi Melons13, sorry to hear that you are experiencing these episodes. From what you describe, they sound just like nocturnal hypos. I have them myself from time to time and it's not a pleasant experience! I have Type 1 Diabetes though. Judging from your comments, you haven't been diagnosed with diabetes. Can I ask how often you have these night sweats and shakes? Have you noticed a pattern when they happen? I.e. what you had to eat the evening before, where you doing rigorous exercise or activities? Had you missed a meal or eaten very late? Have you skipped breakfast or lunch and been running about using lots of energy? Are you on a very low carb diet? Hopefully the results of the fasting blood-test at your chemist or GP will give you some information to go on. It seems strange that someone that "may" have undiagnosed, untreated Type 2 Diabetes would experience hypos like this, as the symptoms indicate lots of insulin in the system. I would love to hear what you find out after your tests, as something else may be happening. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. Good luck.