Lately I've noticed that I've been drinking more water, I've been going to the toilet so much more, my mouth is so dry, my hands are sometimes really shaky and sweaty, I sometimes feel so weak and tired however I'm not losing weight. Both my great grandmas and one of my grandmas have diabetes could I have it too?
Could it be? : Lately I've noticed that... - Diabetes Research...
Could it be?

Hi dribblez6
My grandparents on my fathers family had diabetes and I have cousins in my mums side if the family who are diabetic.So when I found out I was diabetic it was no surprise.I am what you call predisposed to diabetes as its already in the family.
Chances are you could very well be but a simple test at your doctors will confirm it and if its diagnosed then you can start any treatment you may need.
I have been taking gliclazide for approx 11 years and my diabetes has been quite well controlled.A couple of months ago I had a hypo (very low blood sugar) .I had never had one before and had no idea what to experience.I was dizzy,couldn't stand,couldn't speak My husband and I both thought I was having a stroke.
Paramedics arrived and sorted me and took me to A&E where I recovered enough to go home that night.Since Then I have been told to lay off my meds as my diabetes seems to have improved somewhat and I dont need to take any meds at least for the time being.I am monitoring my blood sugar more regularly now just to make sure there are no more blips.The tablets were lowering my blood sugar when there was no need to drop it any lower.
Your increased thirst and urinating could be a sign of diabetes .Weight loss is not necessarily an indication of diabetes.
So make an appt with your GP to do a test to confirm if you are diabetic and also rule out any other condition that may be causing these symptoms.
Take care.
Thank you for replying and sharing your experience with diabetes I'm going to book an appointment for the doctors xx
Well done.You will know for sure then.If its confirmed you can start your treatment soon and if its not diabetes then you can set your mind at rest.
Best of luck,take care.
What is a normals person blood glucose level? And what is a diabetic persons blood glucose level? I have looked online yet I can't find a straight forward answer xx
Hi dribblez6
I measure mine regularly now ideally it should be around 5 - 15.
When I had my hypo I had gone down to 2 so that was way too low.
When I have eaten lunch I go up to about 12.
I have been told if I go any higher to contact my diabetic nurse as they may need to resume my meds.
When you have a test the doc will advise you of acceptable levels.
Sorry cant tell you what normal levels are I Think it depends on the individual.
Good luck.
The sooner you find out the better. Good luck & try to keep off the sweet stuff . Fingers are "X" for you

Welcome to the group, dribblez6 . Feel free to continue posting your postings and comments on other member's comments and postings, asking questions, take the Polls on the Polls section and get to meet the other members of the group!
Was either of your Grandmothers type 1 or 2? LADA (1.5)? My Grandfathers were diabetic after surgeries.
I'm a type 1 diabetic, but can drop really fast when my numbers are close to 100. This is considered brittle diabetes. I use a DRXCOM Continuous Glucose Monitoring system (CGM). I have been using it for about 1.5-2 years now. Been very helpful! It wakes me up at night when I'm starting to drop under 80 mg/dl.
see a doctor?