Now I have been diagnosed with Diabetes and high Cholesterol. Are there any takeaways better than the others I could have, only we usually sit as a family on Saturday night order take away and watch tv, Any advice please. Thanks.
Can I still have take away?? - Diabetes Research...
Can I still have take away??

As long as it's a rare treat. Beware that a good curry sauce will likely be swimming in cream and oil. A stir fry is actually not so bad after all. Check the ingredients.
So it's would you say Chinese is the better choice. Gosh this is going to be difficult..
Difficult to say. There's a reputation stir fry is less fatty, and fresh veg BUT. . .
Like I said keep it as a rare treat, but you'll have to be strict the rest of the week. There's a similar question on weight loss forum with a keema naan coming in with 850 calories. And a certain type of pizza with 2500 -that's more than a day's intake if you're trying to lose weight - and pizza is kind of part of Mediterranean diet. Caused by fats which will almost certainly be sources of cholesterol.
Diabetes and high cholesterol seem to go together (I wonder why - not). Self control is your best weapon. Can you share some of the food or leave a bit in the container - instead of munching the whole portion?
Thanks for the info, I will go and look at the other post.
Self control, save some or share... These are all swear words lol.. Suppose I have to retrain myself. Its all so new Again thanks.
Here's a link. If you're on weight loss forum, you'll be able to see it
it just struck me as similar to your question, and to be honest, diabetes and the need to lose weight seem to go together too.
Food intake control, small portion, home cooed fresh food is best till you come down to as acceptable level in blood test numbers.
One take away, two take away and the you are in trouble.
This can be difficult.
I usually do my shopping on a Sunday once we are all together, so not organized with diabetes yet, whole new life style change for me
Plan you menus perhaps. If it works for you. Menus for diabetes are healthy and just right for anyone. They needn't be unpalatable
Yes, I'm in the middle of doing that, I'm also disabled so get my shopping delivered once a week, so I have only been told this last couple of days and i'm stumbling in the dark at the moment. Getting as many menu's as I can find that sounds as if not only me but the whole family will eat.
I still have takeaways, I use myfitnesspal to put my food in and it calculates calories, salt etc, and this is what I do when I am going to eat out or have a takeaway to make an informed choice or make changes as I see fit. Regardless of them I treat is always good
my fitnesspal is this an app that you use Titan50, I opted for a chicken salad made by my hubby instead but for future reference I will have more control.
It depends whether eating a takeaway is more important than controlling your condition. Diabetes is a deadly disease which if not taken seriously leads to utterly dreadful outcomes:
All, and I mean all, carbohydrate foods (especially sugar, bread, pasta, rice and potatoes) break down to glucose to a greater or lesser extent. Hoping the dose of Metformin you swallow will cover the commensurate rise in blood sugar is not good enough. You have to eliminate them as much as possible. I pointed you to the best advice to keep your blood sugar low, but you appear to want to travel down the same road that got you to where you are now. Sorry to appear brutal, but I'm afraid that this is you wanting to have your cake and eat it, and if you are diabetic, you literally can't!
I appreciate you being brutal Mike, this is what i want good honest answers, like I said its all new, and I opted for a chicken salad, its what we had in and hubby did it for me, I'm taking it serious, but still fumbling in the dark with a lot of it. I have never had to look at carbohydrate foods or blood sugar glucose or taking metformin before its all completely new. So being brutal gets the message home. So thank you its received with warmth.
Irain, I've thought about you a lot since my last communication and hope something I said has come home.
As you appear not to be offended here's some more I hope will help.
It's easy to just blast off an email knowing nothing of the recipient and their circumstances.
My frustration is that following a low carbohydrate high fat diet will normalise blood sugar for a huge majority of type 2 diabetics, and for the others significantly reduce medications.
Your future is in your hands, get serious and you may avoid this illustration:
Have a look at another inspirational guy:
My best for your future.
Thanks Mike, I really took on board what you have said, I have a few things wrong being over weight and disabled to name but two, I have tried to follow a healthy 1750 calorie diet since last week keeping my eye on carbs salt fats and sugar due to high cholesterol and I joined myfitnesspal that was advised to me and religiously filled them in. I find that I have lots between 350 and 600 calories left each night. I am never hungry and carbs are sugar are the furthest from my mind.
Thanks for you help it does mean a lot.
As brutal as it might seem Mike's advice is spot on. Your body has an intolerance to glucose so it's important to lower your intake of high carbohydrate food. Luckily using MyFitnessPal makes it plainly obvious which of the foods you love are better for than others, so I'd suggest using that for a while.
For your takeaways why not have a curry BUT cook yourself Cauliflower Rice to go with in. Maybe have Chicken Tikka/Tandoori too.

Have you had a look at the DRWF free information leaflets here they are available as free downloads or you can request hard copies from us. The Healthy diet and diabetes would be a good place for you to start. We also have a monthly newsletter - all the information is here
Hope this helps and let us know if we can help further.
I have had a ponder through, but found all the information overload, so will keep reading to teach myself all I need to know about this. I found the myfitnesspal very good keeping a good record of what my blood number are.
Thanks for your help much appreciated.
As brutal as it might seem Mike's advice is spot on. Your body has an intolerance to glucose so it's important to lower your intake of high carbohydrate food. Luckily using MyFitnessPal makes it plainly obvious which of the foods you love are better for than others, so I'd suggest using that for a while.
For your takeaways why not have a curry BUT cook yourself Cauliflower Rice to go with in. Maybe have Chicken Tikka/Tandoori too.
As brutal as it might seem Mike's advice is spot on. Your body has an intolerance to glucose so it's important to lower your intake of high carbohydrate food. Luckily using MyFitnessPal makes it plainly obvious which of the foods you love are better for than others, so I'd suggest using that for a while.
For your takeaways why not have a curry BUT cook yourself Cauliflower Rice to go with in. Maybe have Chicken Tikka/Tandoori too.