Need advise friends, I live in the USA and i do a night job and when I return from the job around 7 am my bs is around 130, after an hour exercise it comes around 90-100. I take my dinner around 1 pm. but when I check my bs again around 10 pm before going work it comes around 190-200. I don't eat many carbs. I eat only low carb tortilla with veg and some time with ground chicken or fish which has around 7carb. what could be the reason ?. and if anyone living in the USA can tell me what kind of meal taking and any other alternative. please help me with this.
I do not drink cow milk anymore, now only using unsweetened almond milk for the tea. i also have thyroid.
my report came with A1C 9, Thyroid 7.1. I had HEP C last year, so the doctor suggested to me Marvyet and now the virus has gone. The doctor told me I got the virus 20 years ago. but I still have cirrhosis. the good thing is my liver is working fine. and I don't smoke and drink. The medicine I am talking for BS is Metformin, Glipizide, and Thyroid medicine
Help me what should I eat or avoid. someone who is living in the USA and how he/she controlling BS