Diabetes India

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karan79 profile image
16 Replies

can anyone better explain to me, why my fasting BS keeps high? I check my bs in the morning( i work night shift) it comes between100-120. Then I do one hour of exercise. I check again sometimes it comes between80-100. I eat a very low carb meal before going to bed I sleep around 8 hours. I check again in the night it comes between 180-200 what could be the reason? where do I need to change my diet?

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karan79 profile image
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16 Replies
ssampath profile image

Might be due to DAWN effect.For thousands of years it was the normal practice of the human beings to wake up very early in the morning and gather food and other things to run the household.Hence our forefathers needed some extra stamina either to go for a hunt or for some errands to attended to. This needed energy in the early morning energy was supplied by the Liver to the blood stream in the form of Glycogen, a form of stored glucose energy in the Liver pockets, which is released during 4am to 6 am to prepare for their tasks which is called as "DAWN EFFECT"

But the present situation is quiet different. NOWADAYS our work has been replaced by routine job from 9 am to 9 pm. But sadly the Liver has not adopted to this new change in human routine and hence this Dawn Effect has not changed and hence the rise in Blood Sugar specifically in the morning .Another fact is that when we are sleeping our brain ,due to either diabetic or pre-diabetic,might send wrong signals to our liver to deliver more glycogen than needed and the unused the glycogen is the culprit for raising in BLOOD SUGAR in the early morning till early afternoon. This is my bookish knowledge written by few experts.

gangadharan_nair profile image

The dawn phenomenon, sometimes called the dawn effect, is an observed increase in blood sugar (glucose) levels that takes place in the early-morning, often between 2 a.m. and 8 a.m.

When you exercise, more insulin is secreted and your blood sugar will be lowered.

Strategies that may help mitigate the Dawn Phenomenon:

* Get a good night of sleep—6 to 8 hours each night—and go to bed before midnight to help reduce cortisol and improve one’s ability to tolerate glucose.

* Reduce your overall carbohydrate intake* (always with medical supervision) to lower blood glucose.

* Eat dinner earlier in the evening and avoid late night snacks to reduce blood glucose in the evening.

* Have your last meal of the day contain the least amount of carbohydrates to minimize the rise in blood glucose.

* Do something active after dinner, such as a walk, to help lower blood glucose.

* Eat a breakfast a lower in carbohydrates since blood glucose is high and you have greater insulin resistance in the morning.

* Don’t wait too long to eat breakfast when you wake up. Eating food early in the morning can help release insulin which can lower blood glucose




karan79 profile image
karan79 in reply to gangadharan_nair

Thanks for your reply but the thing is i have been working at night time from last 3 years. i get free 7 am and i sleep around1pm wake up 9:45pm. i will try to intake very less carb before sleep. will give you result after couple of days.

sandybrown profile image

Do take a look at the information on this link:


karan79 profile image
karan79 in reply to sandybrown

Link didnt work

sandybrown profile image
sandybrown in reply to karan79

Sorry, it does not work!!

I will have to look for it again.

sandybrown profile image
sandybrown in reply to karan79


I received an email from Healthline, news letter, "Why Meal Timing Matters When You Have Diabetes", I was able to read it. Copied the link and pasted in HU. The link address is too long.

May be, you can try Goggling to see if you can get there to the article. There an many more on diabetes in this newsletter.

ssampath profile image

To whomsoever concerned about people with Type 2 Diabetic(T2D) in this forum let me bring out the bare facts about me as follows.I am from Chennai,India,aged 66 years,male weighing around 56 kgs with 157 cms height a retired employee from a leading nationalized bank.

I was diagnosed as a diabetic around 10 years ago,in my 56 th year, and from that day onward there was absolutely non so ever reversal in my T2D despite following very strict food regime and physical exercises like 3 Kilometres walking in the morning and Surya Nasmaskar Asana, and breathing exercises in the morning and one hour meditation during the very early morning around 5 am or around 10 pm for over 20 years.

I am a complete teetotaler and no smoking and no other bad indulgences and only take vegetarian food without any spices.I have been taking normal morning breakfast and my sugar levels were always used to be fasting a little over 200 mg/dl and sometimes even 250 mg/dl and postprandial or post meal after two hours around 280 mg/dl. I was taking oral medication like Metformin 500 mg ,glypiside 10 mg and so on yet on few occasions my post meal or PP Blood Sugar after two hours was 205 mg/dl which is less than Fasting Blood Sugar. My prescription of medication was steadily increased to Janumet 50/500 for over a year. This diabetic stage went on for few years and suddenly increased to 300 mg/dl where in I was advised to take Insulin injection Novomix 30 along with Linagliptin 5mg and Jarandice and Selokan XL50 in the morning and Telesartan 40 for accompaniment disease like Hypertension and Restyl .5 mg for my insomnia.Despite all these prescription by my Allopath there was no remission in my T2D. The dosage of my injection were raised from 5 units twice a day to 10units and later 15 units twice a day for over two months and yet the results were skyrocketing to FBS 378 mg/dl and PP 478 mg/dl. I had mentally became very tired and physically as little stamina to walk only and hence I decided to stop this ever increasing blood sugar.

One fine morning I heard about a local doctor who deals only in Life Style Diseases l

ike Hypertension,Blood Sugar both T1D and T2D,Thyroid,Obesity and other life style problems.I sought an appointment through my Whatsapp and met him in his clinic after a session about problems of Life Style diseases which went on over 2 hours with illustrations from various video clippings and verbal explanations.I was given an appointment after a couple of days .during cosuItation I was told by the docotor that my secretion of Insulin is more than sufficient but the real problem is my blood is rejecting the Insulin produced by the pancreas which is called as "INSULIN RESISTANCE" The Whole complication of T2D is due to mitigated problem of Dawn Effect combing with Insulin resistance. Hence I was referred to a dietitian who introduced me to LOW CARBOHYDRATE HIGH FAT FOOD popularly referred as LCHF and explained me that ever increasing Blood Sugar is only due to that and hence any amount insulin injections will only aggravate the problem.I was told by the doctor to stop Insulin injections from the next day onward (17.06.2019) but allowed me continue with the tablets with radical changes in my food regime.

From the next day onward I was asked to stop eating breakfast in the morning which was usually Idli or Dosa and was asked to abstain from any type low carbohydrate food including low fat milk. I was advised to take cream coffee and all rice and wheat items are to be stopped with immediate effect. After three months my blood sugar level had fallen to 176 and HbA1C around 7.9. I was very happy at this tremendous improvement in my overall health as I was able to roam around even in my scooter and was able to walk miles and do regular yoga and meditation. I had consulted the doctor and this time I was told to observe complete fast on all Mondays and on those fasting days my intake was restricted to two or three times "Black Coffee,a cup of Lemon Juice and a very lean Buttermilk. I started my fasting in the previous day night around 8 pm and ended the fasting till next day 5 pm.Initially there were problems like headache,constipation, one or two hunger pangs but on the subsequent months I was able to overcome these minor aberrations due to Fasting. Despite not eating rice and wheat and its preparations and sticking my food only to vegetables, cereals,Milk panner,full fat milk, Butter,Coconut oil yet there was no problem of health and it went on for over an year but my HbA1C was around 8.7 which averaged around 200 mg/dl.

But this improvement in my blood sugar also had been stable for over a year only. The latest three months average sugar,HbA1C,had again increased to 10.4 which has become an enigma despite my severe adherence to regular Monday Fasting:totally avoiding rice and wheat in my food;even rice preparations;adhering to only vegetables and less and pulses even;but switched to milk coffee instead of black coffee with cream;always adhering to minimum 16 hours fasting and only 6 hours window for eating;regular walking,yoga and meditation I am now perplexed with the increase in blood sugar trend which might be due to the age or any other factors which I am unable to find it out.

A few days back after the blood sugar test results I have started eating Mappilai Samba rice a hand pound red rice variety after a tip from the you tube by Dr.Anand Bharadwaj who advocates eating the 'NATIVE RED RICE VARIETY' completely heals islets of the pancreas which was inactive or sleepy all these years and produce enough good insulin in around three or four months and also relieve stomach ulcers and constipation to a large extent due to its high fiber content.

Hence it is my humble advise to those who are young and diabetic kindly follow the very strict food regime as prescribed by either LCHF, KETO as well the veterans in this forum who gives golden advises and follow accordingly.

namaha profile image
namahaAdministrator in reply to ssampath

Dear ssampath

I have heard of mappilai samba Red rice

(1) So what is your blood sugar report after eating Mappilai Samba rice hand pounded...??

(2) How do you prepare this Red Rice variety ?

(3) How do you get this Mappilai samba ... Is it available in Tamilnadu only ? Is there any particular source of supply 🙂

ssampath profile image
ssampath in reply to namaha

About hand pounded variety called Mappilai Samba(called as Raktha Sali in Ayuvedic Sanskrit texts) kindly go through the YouTube English interview on specifically on "Diabetic" by Dr. Anand Bharadwaj whose interview highlights the importance and reversal idea of using this red rice in order to rejuvenate the sleeping or dowsing and inactive beta cells in pancreas and also helps digestion and also for the relief from stomach ulcers and overall health benefits. Get first hand information and the same You Tube also where this red rice can be procured and the address as well please. This is not a promotion but a simple reply only which is for your info.

namaha profile image
namahaAdministrator in reply to ssampath

Mapilai samba is really Great.. it is no trade secret ...when I looked at Amazon, it is Available in plenty ...

When you eat it....it does not get digested easily... Remains longer...delays release of sugar in to blood... and therefore it definitely helps .

Mapilai samba means ( bridegroom Rice ) ... Given to bridge groom for energy and vigour...

By the way , if someone takes voglibose , Acarbose....

Better take Red rice.. it works like voglibose , at the same time gives you good nutrition.

rnpath profile image

your sugar levels are in normal range. why worry?

karan79 profile image
karan79 in reply to rnpath

my fasting bs comes high. otherwise it keeps under 100

sandybrown profile image

Testing and investigation!!

1. Do you get up in the middle of your sleep to go for a P?

2. Do you get dry mouth and want to rink water?

3. Do you drink 2 l of water daily? During night shift you can drink plenty of water.

4. Is your P always clear colour?

5. Do you over eat? eat 1/3 food, 1/3 water and 1/3 empty. Being hungry will not kill us!!!

6. Do you use blue pill?

Take care, enjoy one life.

ssampath profile image
ssampath in reply to sandybrown

Thank you Sandy Brown and I shall reply in the same order

and if it is inappropriate or unasked kindly excuse me as it had figured under my post Madam.

1. About P: Not exactly in the middle of the night but in the morning around 5 am on few days if I drink more than 5 cups of water and some days I do not get up for P at all.

2. Dry mouth: I do not drink water during day time normally but on peak summer around 42 degree Celsius I might 2 glasses of water and no dry mouth at all. I drink water 4 to 5 glasses only during night time before sleep.

3.2Litre water: No, I drink water very occasionally only because normally I do not feel thirst at all even during humid summer but in order to hydrate myself I may drink few glasses of water. Chennai is always very hot and it is heavily sunny around 10 months of the year ranging from 30 degree Celsius to 42 degree Celsius starting from April till November end. There are no seasons to celebrate but only variance in temperature like hot, hotter and hottest.

4.P Color: It is not clear but it is straw white or slight pale yellow.

5.Over eating :I do not even consume normal amount of food. I do not eat rice and wheat and its products at all and follow LCHF food regime . My family is a strict vegetarian for ages and normally take two creamed coffees one early in the morning6.30 am and at 9.15 am. I take cooked and fried vegetable(LCHF food) as my main meal with a tamarind water and tomato soup called Rasam tempered in clarified butter with cumin seeds, asafetida, and boiled lentils around a glass and drink a cup of lean buttermilk. This is my lunch. Around 3.30 pm I drink a cup of Coffee and at dinner I eat 12 pieces of paneer or cheese balls fried with coconut oil with slight salt and pepper and also Rasam and buttermilk .At 10.30 pm I drink a glass of water with15 drops apple cedar vinegar and hence no over eating at all. I am half hungry most of the time and my BMI is around 20 and 21 always.

6. What is a blue pill by the way. I am 66 years old male and I do not indulge in amorous activities at all because it is very restricted here at this age which is a norm and not a rule.

7.God Bless you on your humane service.

sandybrown profile image
sandybrown in reply to ssampath

Thank you.

You are doing fine, please do not fry veg, steam, or slow cook, frying in oil is not good.

You need to look at drinking more water during the day to clean the water works.

I am 74, doing fine. Blue pill, it is for men to help with bed room activities, it may help but side effect!!

Take care and enjoy life.

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