When i was diagnosed diabetic 22 years back, the doctor told me it is not a decease but a condition of your body due to deficiency of insulin. Hence you can not cure it completely but can control by 50% exercise 25% food control and 25% medicine. I am meticulously following it. With exercise (10 km jogging in 1 Hour 5 'o' clock in the morning , 6 days in a week half an hour Yoga 6days in a week. Evening 7pm 5km casual walk with my wife in one hour ) controlled food ( at 5am 3 glasses of water and a table spoon termeric. At 7am a big cup tea with double toned milk and with out sugar. At 8 am ,Oats, bread/chappathi with vegitables/fish curry , fruits .10.30 am one cup black tea with out sugar. 1.15 pm green salad Chappathi with vegitable curry/thandoori fish, fruits. 3.30 pm black tea. 6.30 pm one big cup tea with double toned milk and with out sugar and some snacks. At 9 pm thandoori roti with with vegitables/fish curry and fruits. Rarely use mutton or red meet . Use chicken at times preferably thandoori. We use less oil preferably olive oil. Use hot water 2 to 3 liters. Oral medicine. Monthly checking. My sugar when checked last was 99 - 150 and i am now 62 and work 9 am to 6 pm with an interval of one hour 6days in a week.
Diabetics is not a decease, hence it can ... - Diabetes India
Diabetics is not a decease, hence it can not be cured but can be controlled.

good and it is great effort that is appreciated and pl visit sahajayoga.org site and still you can improve better
Thank you
Thank you. Don't become jealous do it yourself.
Thank you for the information.
As long as I am comfortable why should i change? In the initial stage doctors told me the same thing and even my wife. But seeing the results doctor said continue it. 5 years back I went for a medical check up at St. Stephens Delhi.The doctor said the same thing to me ' I am jealous of you man' . One week back I had a medical check up in Cochin ( Silver Line) and seeing the result the doctor said excellent . Keep it up. By seeing my running many people followed my practice and benefited by that.
Sir, can we try to calculate and arrive at total carbohydrate intake per day in all your food consumption ? It will help others a lot if they alongwith such intake does follow the jog/walk routine.
B T Shah