My HbA1c for the last three quarters were 7.1, 6 & 6.4 I am taking reclide XR 60 before breakfast but I found some peculiarities of bs results such as my fasting blood sugar remain 80-100, after breakfast it was 263-213 after lunch it is 139-159. What should I do, kindly advise me.
Some peculiarities in bs results: My HbA1c... - Diabetes India
Some peculiarities in bs results

Your post lunch numbers are acceptable,in my opinion.After breakfast,BS is spiking more than 100.Since your fasting numbers are good,we can only surmise that reviewing what and how much you are eating for breakfast is essential.See if can consume only low glycemic index foods and to some extent medium glycemic index foods.I think modifying your breakfast choices is called for.
You appear to take a heavy breakfast.Take a lighter one with minimum carb.Your medicine appears to be slow acting,so you may test it by taking the medicine thirty minutes before breakfast।Self monitoring is the best way to know what suits you and how much?Make it a habit to take your bs reading often to fix up your quantum,type of carb food.This is the only dependable way।
You must review what you eat for breakfast, if unable to figure out post your breakfast details here for other to suggest changes. There seems to be too much carb in your breakfast.
I am taking three wheat breads and sufficient vegetables in the breakfast
Generally diabetics struggle with fasting and post meal morning sugars, you fasting seems ok but the 3x Wheat bread slices is killing it, also make sure the veggies do not have root veg (potatoes etc.) and I am sure you have a cup of tea later which must be without sugar.
Just test for a couple of days with 1x Bread slice and see what the PPG numbers are like, your spike of +150 with 3 slices (45-50 carbs) seems a but too much.
Ok I'll try with one bread and I am not taking tea after breakfast I take one cup of tea well before breakfast of course without sugar