What does LCHF stand.
What is LCHF diet and its resources availability. Please write.
What does LCHF stand.
What is LCHF diet and its resources availability. Please write.
LCHF means low carbohydrate high fat diet. The LCHF diet is an umbrella term for eating plans that reduce carbs and increase fats. LCHF diets are low in carbohydrates, high in fats and moderate in protein. In short term, your blood sugar level may reduce to normal level. But in long term, it may become a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases.
There are any number of posts with extensive discussions on the subject in this web site.Please use the the search function on this web page to access those posts.
Listen to a Youtube video of Dr.Jagannath Dixit and follow his instructions, this will bring you from a seriously affected Daibetes to a Normal person/human-being.
1.LCHF means Low carbohydrate High Fat food.
2.It is more or less an optional adoptive mind change and a different food regime by itself completely eschewing the carbohydrates like rice,wheat,corn and so on thus completely avoiding any kind of starchy products in your food intake to compensate the high level glucose increase and long time insulin resistance in your body.
3.This is achieved by substituting and adopting a very high fat food like butter,cheese,high fat milk,cream and low carbs like a dozens of veggies grown over the surface of the earth and all the more totally avoiding the vegetables grown under the earth like potato,yam,sweet potato etc., which has high carbs contents.
4.Not eating any kinds of fruits except avocado and lemon.
5.Non vegetarians can use red meat like chicken,mutton,fish and so on but seasoned or fried only either in butter,coconut oil and olive oil and hence replacing your meal with high fats and also the vegetables which is a plus for them.
6. Another important aspect is not eating according to the timing but according to your appetite and most important aspect of it a "complete fasting" around 16 hours initially to 36 hours with intermittent intake of water or mild black coffee to escape from hunger pangs.
7.This food regime and fasting should be done only under the care and consultation with the LCHF specialist doctors and dietitians for the safety of the patient and to release the excessive storage of Glycogen from the liver and normalize the functioning of the liver to regulate secretion of Insulin.The release optimum level of Glycogen from the liver ensures proper functioning of the liver and normalize the sugar level in the body in due course of time which shall be helpful in avoiding diabetic complications. But choosing and adopting the diet needs determination and reliance over the LCHF food regime which takes longer time,like 6months, food regime to achieve best results. This is what I know of it and it is only glimpse.For detailed knowledge about LCHF read Dr.Jason Fung's the Diabetic code and lot more on the net.
i am unaware of any qualified medical or specialist advocating LCHF for obvious reasons
Hi rn
I have just been on an extended NHS Diabetes course and one of the diets they advocated was indeed LCHF. They also advocated the Mediterranean diet
Hi tvk
I have just been on an extended NHS Diabetes course and one of the diets they advocated was indeed LCHF. They also advocated the Mediterranean diet
What is the process to attend the NHS course?
I got referred by the Diabetes nurse at my GPs. It is called xpert diabetes (no e in at the beginning of xpert 😁).
LCHF was a very hot topic sometime back and I am on this diet since 2013. At 71, I am very much better off physically than any from my age group.
The references made here as to the food compositions and the likelihood of cardio vascular related ailments and the part ‘Cholesterol’ plays in our well being specially while aging etc. are agreeable in general.
I may add that Cholesterol was classified as ‘harmful diet’ in the 50’s and as such it was considered so by the medical profession all along has now been declassified by FDA of the US – this aspect deserves special attention.
My personal experience reveals that ‘our stamina increases while we grow from day one …..and it also begins declining at certain point of time as otherwise we will never die! There is no fixed age denoting this point of decline.
If we switch on to LCHF ……BEFORE our own insulin become insufficient or ineffective, before reaching the point of decline referred to, our own system is capable of adopting to the ‘new source of energy’ ….away from carbs.
It will be very painful or even fatal if we switch on to LCHF very late in life!
Hi Sir, can you suggest a typical south Indian LCHF Diet. Or if you can guide me to any website which gives menu for south indian LCHF diet, it would be of great help.
Since I am not a professional in the medical field, I can only state what I consume regularly.
I take, 03 boiled eggs and a full cup of juice prepared using carrot, beetroot, buffalo curd and mango or banana well blended, for breakfast.
For lunch meat or fish curries on alternate days with one green leave and a vegetable curry together with one fourth of the quantity of rice which I used to take before switching on to LCHF. Avocado or papaya is taken as desert.
These items taken for lunch are repeated for diner with the addition of full cream buffalo curd with a plantain as desert.