Most of us know some basic facts about diabetes.There is sustained raised blood sugar levels, which Is due to some problem with insulin,either insulin resistance or insensitiviness of tissues to insulin in type2 and no or very little insulin due to some problem with pancreas in type1 diabetes.This raised glucose leads to different complications in different organs and tissues.
So to prevent all those complications and to keep blood sugar in blood within reasonable limits, different measures are advised which are mainly,some modification in diet,physical excercise and medications.
These measures some time works and effective in achieving its goal but several times result is not satisfactory. This forces people with diabetes to look alternative medicines,including traditional medicine from herbs and plants. Some in their dispair even resort to occult or hearsay measures.
It is always said that unless you know and understand a problem completely,you can not get a accurate and proper solution. So if our knowledge about diabetes is incomplete ,then how we expect a complete and reliable solution ?
This is the present day scenario ,let us accept this fact and try to improve our ailment on the basis of available information on diabetes. Every step we take towards for better quality of life should be backed by understanding of what we are doing and with this conscious decision,stick to what are you doing and give it some time to gauge effects. Please don't get elated or depressed by initial success or failure.
I am just expressing my personal thought and feelings.