Diabetes Disaster --- Ayurveda New Hope - Diabetes India

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Diabetes Disaster --- Ayurveda New Hope

drsanjay profile image
14 Replies

Diabetes is a serious disease. It occurs when your body does not make enough insulin or cannot use the insulin in the proper manner.

Insulin is a hormone. It controls the amount of sugar (called glucose) in your blood.

A high blood sugar level can cause problems in many parts of your body.

Diabetes is a Metabolic disorder in This is a type of "Prameha"

WHO projection about Diabetes shows its tendency to became a disaster at the next decay.

Diabetes is a Non Communicable disease.

With the advancement of the health related solution now we are able to control on communicable disease disaster.

The solution of communicable disease as well as heath advancement provide us to increase life expectancy.

Parallel the tendency of Non communicable disease increase, for the solution of Non Communicable disease the modern sciences need the help of our traditional system of medicine,

They know better that the non communicable disease can be prevented with the help of

proper diet, try to reduce tension, as well follow systematic life style.

This is nothing This is our AAhar, NIndra and Brahamcharya. The Main Pilers of Health.

In my view the Principle of Ayurveda as well as the advancement of scientific instrument

we are able to find out the solution of this disease.

Be Positive and carry on.

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drsanjay profile image
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14 Replies
sunilmittal profile image

Dear Dr. Sanjay

Almost every one is aware of all this but is there any solution?

drsanjay profile image
drsanjay in reply to sunilmittal

Dear Sunil,

No doubt there are every one aware about the issue,and participate to find out the solution.

I m not saying that I have a solution of this issue.

My view we can be find out their solution through Ayurveda Principal.

Whenever I review the scientific article related to advance research to find out the solution of this burning issue i find that's all of them are interlink with Ayurveda.

Dear Sunil Ayurveda is not the form of our traditional type now the Ayurveda principle became global and there are several scientist are engaged to understand the pattern of life.

The time will come Ayurveda and its principle flourish but in the form of modern way people say that's modern but intact that's Ayurveda.

We need researcher think about that.


drsanjay profile image

Dear Amiya Krisna

No doubt nutrition play important role but that is another thing. it is not related to the disease diabetes.

Not only diabetes we can say that all non communicable disease are not interlink with nutrition

These are the Psychosomatic disease and the main causes of these disease is our Pragye Apradh. (Our those activities which one is not nessesory to our self I know these activities are harmful inspite of we do this)

Modern believe nutrition in the form of Carbohydrate, Protein , Fat, Vitamin , Minerals.

Ayurveda nutrition depends upon Madhur, Amla , Lavan, Katu, Tikta and Kashaya.

Dear Amiya now the researcher prove that's the natural food stuff is much better and effective than the purified and processed carbohydrate, protein , fats vitamins as well as minerals too.

In fact the combination of the above ras which is present in the fruit is beneficial to health.

There are lot of issue which is to be discuss latter on

No Doubt we need researcher think about that.

drsanjay profile image


We are hear not playing a blame game.

we are hear to find out the solution of the burning issue which create havoc

be cool and think about that.

drsanjay profile image

Dear Amiya Krishna

No Doubt dear Amiya u r getting tremendous success with the help of your performance and knowledge about the nutrition as well as its role of our daily routine.

your knowledge is very useful each and every information is a part of knowledge and information are getting with the interaction in between us

Dear suppose my is weight is about 100 pound and are saying that my weight is not 100 pound my weight is just 45.3 kg. no one can say that u r wrong.

Dear I am not saying that my Ayurveda is great and no other treatment style and pattern is better than Ayurveda.

I am just saying that we think about Ayurveda fundamental principle.

You know about the Amla, Yashada, Tamra, Laoha , Prawal, Shankh, Shukti, Swarna, Abhraka, Different Lavanas, Andakatwak its good it mean u know about Ayurveda,

As per your scale Prawal Shankh Shukti andatwaka is the same that is a calcium swarna yashad tamra laoha abharaka is a form of minirals you are talking about Selenium, Chromium, Manganese, Borone, Strontium too these are the another form of minerals acording to you these are micro nutrients. as per you these all are minerals and minirals play important role in our daily life is it true.

No doubt you are right

As per Ayurveda there are no words which are not be used as a mantra, there are no material available which one are not be used as medicine there are no person available in the earth which one are useless but the user of those are not available easily.

In my view research is nothing it is just RE SEARCH. research to establish the body function and pattern in different parameter and scale.

The principle and philosophy of Ayurveda does not deals material and quantity is deals the person.

Ayurveda tells about the importance of user, In Ayurveda, user are much more important than the substance poison be act as nectar when ever we used it in proper quantity and manner. and the nutritive substance as well as medicine caused trouble or no action show whenever not in proper quantity and doses.

"biggest havoc is the Diabetes Treatment Industry" I am agree with you.

cool and think about Ayurveda.


drsanjay profile image

Nice Mr. Anup,

What do you mean of CARBS? I don't able to understand it. if it means carbohydrate than OK.

We are not recommended carbohydrate we suggest the diet on the basis of the nature of the patient.

we suggest diet on the basis of there taste as well as the requirement of the patient we r not recommended in gram we recommends that u take it as per your body need.

for the determination of body need we follow the hygiene philosophy of Ayurveda.

be cool and think about Ayurveda.

drsanjay profile image

Right Reshma,

On the behalf of sbsidh your statement is enough and polite manner. No Doubt charity begins at home and every person should be participated in charity program but charity for needy one not for every one.

Carry on I appreciate your view and manner.

be cool and think about Ayurveda as well as herbs too.

lukka profile image

Now a days how can it is possible 15 time population 1/2 time land each & every body busy in livelihood & existence can you see BABA ram deo yadau whole day expend to promote his product . all the aurvedacharya after serious suffering ultimately goes to allopaths .

drsanjay profile image

Dear reshma

226 no of people in rolled with you that's enough to get a conclusion about the efficacy of such medicine.

you need a scientific evaluation to show the product efficacy.

go ahead follow scientific rules

keep patience be positive.

drsanjay profile image

Dear Amiya

Ayurveda is nothing its just the science of life.I

I am sorry if you irritate with my word "THINK ABOUT AYURVEDA "

You are again play blame game and having negative thinking I never say that You and your knowledge are wrong,

Please understand Ayurveda is nothing it is a science of life. its my view may be u have a better dictionary which have another definitions go ahead about the definitions of health as per WHO, that's reflect Ayurveda.

In My view Ayurveda has no boundary and limitation, every thoughts is a part of Ayurveda.

My aim is not irritating you

So Please you don't think about Ayurveda you always think about nutrition that's enough

as per you nutrition is the science of life.

keep patience be positive.

drsanjay profile image

dear anup

that's nice

this is Ayurveda the science of life.

Ayurveda taught to you to eat as per your body need.

be cool and think about the science of life "Ayurveda"

drsanjay profile image

Not at all Dear Amiya,

Why u irritate the word of Ayurveda?

Because it is a national Symbol?

Or this is the pride of Nation?

Now the time will came to elaborate it.

We are not discussing hear that "Ayurveda is a Science of life" or "nutrition is a Science of life"

You recognize Aromatherapy not Ayurveda, You recognize Massage Therapy not Ayurveda, You recognize Herbal Therapy but not Ayurveda, you recognize Yoga and Meditation but Not Ayurveda.

You recognize alternative therapy but not Ayurveda

Think why ?

Because of all the aforesaid word as well as process is scientific except Ayurveda

This is true Na as per your view.

Thanks Thanks Amiya .for this kind of interaction

Please think about the Science of life

No need to your attention about Ayurveda till its principle are getting to modern touch.

The time will came Amiya Be positive

Thanking you thanks a lot

drsanjay profile image

A healthy diet is no guarantee against cancer, but certain foods

can reduce your risk

that;s modern view think why.

qadry profile image

All the challenges of yoga guru MR.Ramdev diproved when he could not resist the hunger strike in Delhi and was admitted to hospital it is the will power which makes a man perfect tell me how many people got rid of f diabetes diabetes can be controlled NOT CURED

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