We have known that Non diabetic persons blood sugar level FBS normal range is 70-100/110 mg /dl and PPBS value 100-140 mg/dl ( some of foreign blogs says it is below 120 mg/dl
Very interest question who fixed this no. and what experiment done for safer normal value fixed above. ? Can any one give the clue or share with authenticated data and who approved this ?
I have recently got one information which read as follows
Who is a diabetic?. Are you a Diabetic ???. Who decides..?, please read...
Actually it may not be so. Please read the following
Before 1997, the fasting sugar should be under 140. WHO put a panel to reassess and made it 126. All of a sudden, 14% of world people became diabetes overnight! Later it was found that the guys who were in that panel were consultants to 7 big Pharma companies dealing with sale of Diabetic medicines.
Later in 2003, American Diabetic Association reduced the limit to 100. Overnight Indian Diabetic guys jumped 100%!!!
This is how Pharma industry works!!!
So in short, it's Pharma industry that decide if you are Diabetic or not ???
One of the senior professor also agreed that generally blood sugar level some how low or higher side is not a problem But average fluctation of blood in the body should be accurate and this is follows at any time if u tested is blood sugar level it must be below 130-140 at any cost it must not raising 145 and above.
One of the Ayurvedic specialist says his opinion the liver function effect some3 how causes PPBS spike some of the persons liver acts slowly in digestion here the person consuming food digest slowly so the blood sugar level 1 hour and 2 hours and also within 2 hours his ppbs is some sp[kies but if his health is good his blood sugar level comes below 110- 120 within 4 hours these persons we may not consider as diabetic .
there may be huge difference opinion about this from LCHF and non LCHF persons but pleas share your opinion in this discussion