There are tall claims about diabetes cure from many.
This site claims that a cure for diabetes has been found and that Arya Vaidya Pharmacy, Coimbatore is marketing it and Mayo Clinic is interested in it. I have enquirer with Arya Vaidya Pharmacy who has asked me to enquire with a person connected to them for details. But they also said that a single medicine cannot make such far reaching results . At least one medicine cannot work for all Prakriti.
Ayurveda recognises not just Type I, II and 1.5. It recognises that diabetes patients with different Prakriti needs different treatment. I guess that is why our experiences differ.
LCHF will work for all because it eliminates the need for insulin.
Some diabetes may be out of deficiency of chromium or vanadium and these get cured.
Some are induced by stress. What else?
Meditation and relaxation help all. There are some online meditations on YouTube . I would suggest the Centering Meditation developed by Joseph Silva with introduction by the Mind valley
This ought to be enough for us. Or there is a guided meditation online by Sri Sri Ravishankar, or the Pancha Kosa Dhyana.
The relaxed body and mind can heal itself better.
Thank you