TRUTH ABOUT SFACT & DIABETES. ….. PA... - Diabetes India

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If you want to know about Saturated Fats And Cholesterol & Trans-fats, please Read ON…


Researchers classify fatty acids not only according to their degree of saturation but also by their length.

Short-chain fatty acids have 4 to 6 carbon atoms. These fats are always saturated. Short-chain fatty acids like butterfat from cows also contribute to the health of the immune system.

Medium-chain fatty acids have 8 to 12 carbon atoms and are found mostly in butterfat and the tropical oils. Like the short-chain fatty acids, these fats have antimicrobial properties; are absorbed directly for quick energy; and contribute to the health of the immune system.

Long-chain fatty acids have from 14 to 18 carbon atoms and can be either

saturated, (18-stearic acid, beef, mutton)

mono-unsaturated (18-olive oil, 16-animal fats)

or poly-unsaturated.

Very-long-chain fatty acids have 20 to 24 carbon atoms. They tend to be highly unsaturated. (20-DGLA; (AA;22-DHA, Improves nervous system),20-EPA

The Dangers Of Polyunsaturates

Politically correct dietary gurus tell us that the polyunsaturated oils are good for us and that the saturated fats cause cancer and heart disease. The result is that fundamental changes have occurred in the Western diet.

At the turn of the century, most of the fatty acids in the diet were either saturated or monounsaturated, primarily from butter, lard, tallows, coconut oil and small amounts of olive oil. Today most of the fats in the diet are polyunsaturated from vegetable oils derived mostly from soy, as well as from corn, safflower and canola. Is it a change for better or worse? Read ON….

The best evidence indicates that our intake of polyunsaturates (EFA) should be in portions of 2 % omega-3 linolenic acid and 2 % omega-6 linoleic acid. Modern diets can contain as much as 30% of calories as polyunsaturated oils, and scientific research indicates that this amount is far too high.

EFA consumption in this range is found in native populations in temperate and tropical regions whose intake comes from the small amounts found in legumes, grains, nuts, green vegetables, fish, olive oil and animal fats but not from commercial vegetable oils.

Excess consumption of polyunsaturated oils has been shown to contribute to a large number of disease conditions including increased cancer and heart disease; immune system dysfunction; metabolic syndrome, damage to the liver, reproductive organs and lungs; digestive disorders; depressed learning ability; impaired growth; and weight gain.

One reason the polyunsaturates cause so many health problems is that they tend to become oxidized or rancid when subjected to heat, oxygen and moisture as in cooking and processing. Rancid oils are characterized by free radicals; These compounds are extremely reactive chemically.

These free radicals attack cell membranes and red blood cells and cause damage in DNA/RNA strands, thus triggering mutations in tissue, blood vessels and skin. Free radical damage to the skin causes wrinkles and premature aging; free radical damage to the tissues and organs sets the stage for tumors; free radical damage in the blood vessels initiates the build-up of plaque.

A high correlation between cancer and heart disease with the consumption of polyunsaturates is not a surprise!. New evidence links exposure to free radicals with premature aging, arthritis and with Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's and cataracts.

So, what is the culprit in poly unsat fats?... Most polyunsaturates in commercial vegetable oils are in the form of unsaturated omega-6 linoleic acid, with very little of vital unsaturated omega-3 linolenic acid.

Recent research has revealed that too much omega-6 in the diet creates an imbalance that can interfere with production of important prostate gland. This disruption can result in increased tendency to form blood clots, inflammation, high blood pressure, irritation of the digestive tract, depressed immune function, sterility, cell proliferation, cancer and weight gain.

Too Little Omega-3

Unsaturated omega-3 linolenic acid is necessary for cell oxidation, for metabolizing important sulphur-containing amino acids. Deficiencies have been associated with asthma, heart disease and learning deficiencies.

As already written, most commercial vegetable oils contain very little omega-3 and large amounts of the omega-6 acid. Further, commercial eggs can contain as much as nineteen times more omega-6 than omega-3! ( as against organic eggs::1:1) (Result of modern agricultural and industrial practices).

The Benefits Of Saturated Fats

The much-maligned saturated fats play many important roles in the body chemistry:

•Saturated fatty acids constitute at least 50% of the cell membranes. They are what gives our cells necessary stiffness and integrity.

•They play a vital role in the health of our bones. For calcium to be effectively incorporated into the skeletal structure, at least 50% of the dietary fats should be saturated.

•They lower Lp(a), (More about LDL, VLDL and lipo-proteins ( Lp(x)) in future blogs)a substance in the blood that indicates proneness to heart disease.

•They enhance the immune system. Elongated omega-3 fatty acids are better retained in the tissues when the diet is rich in saturated fats.

• The fat around the heart muscle is highly saturated ( Sat -18 and -16 are the preferred foods for the heart). The heart draws on this reserve of fat in times of stress.

•Short- and medium-chain saturated fatty acids have important antimicrobial properties. They protect us against harmful micro-organisms in the digestive tract.

The scientific evidence and honest evaluation of the fat in artery clogs reveals that only about 26% is saturated. The rest is unsaturated, of which more than half is polyunsaturated. i.e about 63% from fats which we have believed or have been made to believe as ‘good fats’

What About Cholesterol?

Our blood vessels can become damaged in a number of ways-through irritations caused by free radicals or viruses, or because they are structurally weak-and when this happens, the body's natural healing substance steps in to repair the damage.

That substance is cholesterol. Cholesterol is a high-molecular-weight alcohol that is manufactured in the liver and in most human cells. Like saturated fats, the cholesterol we make and consume plays many vital roles:

Along with saturated fats, cholesterol in the cell membrane gives our cells necessary stiffness and stability. When the diet contains an excess of polyunsaturated fatty acids, these replace saturated fatty acids in the cell membrane, so that the cell walls actually become flabby.

•When this happens, cholesterol from the blood is "driven" into the tissues to give them structural integrity. This is why serum cholesterol levels may go down temporarily when we replace saturated fats with polyunsaturated oils in the diet. This was touted as ‘benefits’of poly unsat cooking mediums.

•Cholesterol is a precursor to vitamin D, a very important fat-soluble vitamin needed for healthy bones and nervous system, proper growth, mineral metabolism, muscle tone, insulin production, reproduction and immune system function.

•The bile salts are made from cholesterol. Bile is vital for digestion and assimilation of fats in the diet.

•Recent research shows that cholesterol acts as an antioxidant. This is the likely explanation for the fact that cholesterol levels go up with age. As an antioxidant, cholesterol protects us against free radical damage that leads to heart disease and cancer.

•Cholesterol is needed for proper function of serotonin receptors in the brain. Serotonin is the body's natural "feel-good" chemical. Low cholesterol levels have been linked to aggressive and violent behavior, depression and suicidal tendencies.

•Mother's milk is especially rich in cholesterol and contains a special enzyme that helps the baby utilize this nutrient. Babies and children need cholesterol-rich foods throughout their growing years to ensure proper development of the brain and nervous system.

Cholesterol is not the cause of heart disease but rather a potent antioxidant weapon against free radicals in the blood, and a repair substance that helps heal arterial damage (although the arterial plaques themselves contain very little cholesterol.)

However, like fats, cholesterol may be damaged by exposure to heat and oxygen. Damaged cholesterol is found in powdered eggs, in powdered milk (added to reduced-fat milks to give them body) and in meats and fats that have been heated to high temperatures in frying and other high-temperature processes. This damaged or oxidized cholesterol seems to promote both injury to the arterial cells as well as a pathological build-up of plaque in the arteries.

Just as a large police force is needed in a locality where crime occurs frequently, so cholesterol is needed in a poorly nourished body to protect the individual from a tendency to heart disease and cancer. Blaming coronary heart disease on cholesterol is like blaming the police for murder and theft in a high crime area.

Poor thyroid function (hypothyroidism) will often result in high cholesterol levels. When thyroid function is poor, usually due to a diet high in sugar and low in usable iodine, fat-soluble vitamins and other nutrients, the body floods the blood with cholesterol as an adaptive and protective mechanism, providing a superabundance of materials needed to heal tissues and produce protective steroids. Hypothyroid (Lesser thyroid functioning) individuals are particularly susceptible to infections, heart disease and cancer. ( My wife was recently advised to test for thyroid function since her LDL and Cholestrol values were high…)

What are Trans-fats? (…….. Excuse me for being slightly more technical, that is the only way to tell the truth..)

Modern Methods Of Processing Fats

It is important to understand that, of all substances ingested by the body, it is polyunsaturated oils that are most easily rendered dangerous by food processing; Consider the following processes inflicted upon naturally occurring fatty acids before they appear on our tables:

Extraction: Oils naturally occurring in fruits, nuts and seeds must first be extracted. In the old days this extraction was achieved by slow-moving stone presses. But oils processed in large factories are obtained by crushing the oil-bearing seeds and heating them to 230 degrees.

The oil is then squeezed out at pressures from 10 to 20 tons per inch, thereby generating more heat. During this process the oils are exposed to damaging light and oxygen. In order to extract the last 10% or so of the oil from crushed seeds, processors treat the pulp with one of a number of solvents-usually hexane. The solvent is then boiled off, although up to 100 parts per million may remain in the oil. Such solvents, themselves toxic, also retain the toxic pesticides adhering to seeds and grains before processing begins.

High-temperature processing causes the weak carbon bonds of unsaturated fatty acids, especially Omega-3, to break apart, thereby creating dangerous free radicals. In addition, antioxidants, such as fat-soluble vitamin E, which protect the body from the ravages of free radicals, are neutralized or destroyed by high temperatures and pressures. BHT and BHA, both suspected of causing cancer and brain damage, are often added to these oils to replace vitamin E and other natural preservatives destroyed by heat.

There is a safe modern technique for extraction that drills into the seeds and extracts the oil and its precious cargo of antioxidants under low temperatures, with minimal exposure to light and oxygen. These expeller-expressed, unrefined oils will remain fresh for a long time if stored in the refrigerator in dark bottles.

Extra virgin olive oil is produced by crushing olives between stone or steel rollers. This process is a gentle one that preserves the integrity of the fatty acids and the numerous natural preservatives in olive oil. If olive oil is packaged in opaque containers, it will retain its freshness and precious store of antioxidants for many years.

Hydrogenation: This is the process that turns polyunsaturates, normally liquid at room temperature, into fats that are solid at room temperature-margarine and shortening. To produce them, manufacturers begin with the cheapest oils-soy, corn, cottonseed or canola, already rancid from the extraction process-and mix them with tiny metal particles-usually nickel oxide.

The oil with its nickel catalyst is then subjected to hydrogen gas in a high-pressure, high-temperature reactor. Next, soap-like emulsifiers and starch are squeezed into the mixture to give it a better consistency; the oil is yet again subjected to high temperatures when it is steam-cleaned.

This removes its unpleasant odor. Margarine's natural color, an unappetizing gray, is removed by bleach. Dyes and strong flavors must then be added to make it resemble butter. Finally, the mixture is compressed and packaged in blocks or tubs and sold as a health food.

Partially hydrogenated margarines and shortenings are even worse for you than the highly refined vegetable oils from which they are made because of chemical changes that occur during the hydrogenation process. Under high temperatures, the nickel catalyst causes the hydrogen atoms to change position on the fatty acid chain.

Before hydrogenation, pairs of hydrogen atoms occur together on the chain, causing the chain to bend slightly and creating a concentration of electrons at the site of the double bond. This is called the cis formation, the configuration most commonly found in nature. With hydrogenation, one hydrogen atom of the pair is moved to the other side so that the molecule straightens. This is called the trans formation, rarely found in nature.

Most of these man-made trans fats are toxins to the body, but unfortunately your digestive system does not recognize them as such. Instead of being eliminated, trans fats are incorporated into cell membranes as if they were cis fats-your cells actually become partially hydrogenated! Once in place, trans fatty acids with their misplaced hydrogen atoms wreak havoc in cell metabolism because chemical reactions can only take place when electrons in the cell membranes are in certain arrangements or patterns, which the hydrogenation process has disturbed.

In the 1940's, researchers found a strong correlation between cancer and the consumption of fat-the fats used were hydrogenated fats although the results were presented as though the culprit were saturated fats. In fact, until recently saturated fats were usually lumped together with trans fats in the various U.S. data bases that researchers use to correlate dietary trends with disease conditions. Thus, natural saturated fats were tarred with the black brush of unnatural hydrogenated vegetable oils.

Altered partially hydrogenated fats made from vegetable oils actually block utilization of essential fatty acids, causing many deleterious effects including sexual dysfunction, increased blood cholesterol and paralysis of the immune system. Consumption of hydrogenated fats is associated with a host of other serious diseases, not only cancer but also atherosclerosis, diabetes, obesity, immune system dysfunction, low-birth-weight babies, birth defects, decreased visual acuity, sterility, difficulty in lactation and problems with bones and tendons.

Homogenization: This is the process whereby the fat particles of cream are strained through tiny pores under great pressure. The resulting fat particles are so small that they stay in suspension rather than rise to the top of the milk. This makes the fat and cholesterol more susceptible to rancidity and oxidation, and some research indicates that homogenized fats may contribute to heart disease.

The media's constant attack on saturated fats is extremely suspect. Claims that butter causes chronic high cholesterol values have not been substantiated by research-

Margarine, on the other hand, provokes chronic high levels of cholesterol and has been linked to both heart disease and cancer.60 The new soft margarines or tub spreads, while lower in hydrogenated fats, are still produced from rancid vegetable oils and contain many additives.

The truth is, saturated fats from animal and vegetable sources provide the building blocks for cell membranes and a variety of hormones and hormone-like substances, without which your body cannot function optimally.

They also act as carriers for important fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. Dietary fats are also needed for the conversion of carotene to vitamin A, for mineral absorption, and for a host of other biological processes.

In fact, saturated is the preferred fuel for your heart!

In Part II, we will see about :

The 3 types of Omega fats

The myth of ‘sat fats-bad for health’ and healthy fat guidelines

Conventional Cholestrol measurement (LDL,VLDL,HDL,TG), and the real culprit in LDL.( which this assay does not reveal.)

The lyptin & insulin resistance which leads to and aggravates Diabetes.

Kindly wait for a week…..

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Caveman1951 profile image
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7 Replies

Conventional Cholestrol measurement (LDL,VLDL,HDL,TG), and the real culprit in LDL.( which this assay does not reveal.)

Kindly enlighten the statement 'the real culprit in LDL'

Caveman1951 profile image
Caveman1951 in reply to

Kindly wait for my next blog. It is taking time sice a very complex scientific data has to be put in a form which every reader who wants to understand should be able to do it.

Please bear with me for a week ...

Caveman1951 profile image

Dear medfree

Unfortunately ( for ME !)You are so right,,.... since I like toast....



So, I take 2 slices of toast with lot of butter and about 20 gms of cheese at about 6.00 PM just before I take the daily small portion of fruits . Incidently, as you may know, it is recommended to take fruits with fat, so this helps. Carbs from toast comes in my carbs/day queue and butter and cheese get Rs.25/= tickets or it it Rs.100/= now?

On these days no dinner, and I end my day with a glass of D protein.

Life can be beautiful when we enjoy { Raise Vitamin P (leasure)} doing certain things. I ENJOY my toast even knowing, I am not going to have my dinner...( Better than the chicken in the poultry farm feeding on GMO corn without knowing they have to go to market on Sunday and will not come back...)

( Please take this letter in a lighter vein)

( I have NO brief for D Protein. My ayurvedic doctor/niece suggested this)

patliputra profile image

very informative .waiting for next installment.

hsenag profile image

Very usful information. kindly provide us more of this type of messages.

aarkay804 profile image

I second Mr Hsenag.

cure profile image

very informative

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