Never eat yellow part of an egg who has the... - Diabetes India

Diabetes India

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Never eat yellow part of an egg who has the problem of cholesterol or hypertension, white part is the best for the diabetic patients.

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Every body knows that eggs are nutritive materials for body both parts of eggs are good but some body have problem of disease such as triglyceralide problem, high cholesterol problems,hypertension, and angina pectoris and heart attack in which fat is harmful so it is advised to Indian people who have such disease never take yellow part of eggs whit part is protein so it can be eaten freely in diabetic cases. Proteins are body building material also provide energy to the body. Yellow part of the egg is useful to those person who do not have above these problems. unhealthy people can take it easily and freely. White part is albumin which is good for body.and acts as food also it also increases the weight of body and makes the person potent and does not increase blood glucose in the blood and sugar level maintains in the diabetic patients can use it easily and freely.

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