all diabetic and non diabetic people must do one small exercise everyday it is followed be acupuncturists. have a bowl full of ground water and put your face in it holding the breath eyes opened nose on the water tongue sliding in the water. hold the face in it until you can hold your breath this way for 5 to 10 minutes three times a day . all diabetic patients can get relief from the consequences and the non diabetic patients they can prevent themselves from being a diabetic patient. this will reduce the level of sugar in the blood. for those who are in the initial stage can get rid of diabetes to some extent. i hope who are all viewing this must try and get rid of their problems .since most of our problem is due to heat in the respective organs this will reduce the heat and thereby increase the functions of the organs and there by reducing the causes of the disease. kindly those who are using high level of medication should not stop using medicines over a period if one feels better they can on the advise of their doctor they can reduce the usage of modern drugs
prevention of diabetes: all diabetic and non... - Diabetes India
prevention of diabetes

it is what i follo the ill effects of diabetics can be controled to certai extent
Pl announce the basis of your this proposed exercise.
What is this "ICE" opend. Is it EYES..????. Please clarify. Also please explain in a better way to understand easily. Some confusions after reading.
all our inner organs are related to our eyes nose lips and tongue by doing the exercise our inner organs are energised and cooled and are induced to work better kindly use bore water or well water chlorinated water or ro water used for drinking first few days you may get your eyes reddish or irritation like but after few days you will find relief from all your problems to a greater extend wishing all to have good time
thank you for the details posted here. let us try and see. Best wishes to all..
Once a Diabetic tupe 1 and 2, show me how many have be cured, each one comes up with different type of Cure...There is No cure. Take your Medication, diet control, exercise regularly, Stop thinking of your body, this will hit the dust before the Time...Don't forget All this illness will follow, if you are High BP patients, with medication you will get Type 1 Diabatic, these are complementry, this Body is Temporary, Connect Your Mind Too God and Enjoy this Beautiful Life !!!
O K thanks I would try the water treatment. Has it to be cold water for better results
thanks kohli New Delhi
You are fooling poor innocent diabetics and prediabetics
kindly try this for a while there is nothing to fool others. there is no cost involved in this process kindly try this for a while if you are not satisfied it is upto you to follow
or leave without trying anything you may not get any goodthing thank you
i agree with you totally one must use his/her brains b4 trying anything new
my advice is having a monitoring system to check sugar level besides doing exercise , swimming , long walks, regularly and controlling diet . i am having diabetes since 1994 and managing with med so far . As long as we can keep the sugar under control everything is ok for example taking karela or bittermelon , fenugreek etc etc. this has to be taken in addition to regular medicines . some veg may bring the sugar level in control that has to be tried and made part of our daily diet