Posts - Cure Parkinson's | HealthUnlocked

Cure Parkinson's

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All posts for February 2018

Thiamine and Benfo Thiamine Advice

I have had thiamine tablets made up for me. They are thiamine hydrochloride 130m...
Celtis profile image

Thiamine 100 years after discovery


Has anyone tried the above by prof birkmayer and got more energy. I suffer bad f...
Connie18 profile image
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Rachel Clarke on conscious infestation of the gut with worms.

I wonder if there are any other cases like this one?

Let there be lightAt its simplest, it’s a bucket lined with bulbs. But light therapy is yielding promising results for Parkinson’s sufferer
yeramian profile image

PoNS Device - being tested in Australia

I am still reading The Brain's Way of Healing by Norman Doidge. The PoNS device...
Eliza-Jane profile image

How the VieLight 810 helped my husband

My husband's good results fromthe VieLight 810 I will preface this by saying tha...

SPLATOON 400 hours ? Really ? I find this game very therapeutic. 5 min intervals ...
RickyTikki profile image

Excessive saliva

Its been crazy since the past one year - mom fell down and fractured her C2 and ...
mymomhaspd profile image

Medicines that make me crazy.

The meds that i have the most and worse side effects are, Entacapone, extended ...
Bailey_Texas profile image

Patients at Parliament

Hi all This is a link to my vlog about Paul Flynn’s Elizabeth Brice bill which c...
Ianfrizell profile image

SJS Syndrome: meds, foods, herbs

For the record. SJS Syndrome occurs quite rarely but it happens. The list of tri...

I AM A MAN (sorry) My house has both a living room and a family room. ...
RickyTikki profile image

Vielight Gamma

Today I received this device which I had placed order after consulting Daniel Jo...
Farooqji profile image

Household chemicals should be taken seriously.

MBAnderson profile image


After my reaction to Thiamine, after taking 250 mg x 4, I tried a second time a ...
ecurb profile image

Can Garlic Treat Parkinson’s Disease?
yeramian profile image

Swollen feet and ankles

Does anyone else get swollen feet and ankles? I only take Amantadine for PD and ...
Shakinginnc profile image

Tremor trick

Fed up with spilling your coffee on the carpet whilst on the way to the table? I...
romit3 profile image

Calcium Theory
akgirlsrock profile image

Regain Your Brain - free 12 day video series; 3/1 - 3/12

I got this from newsletter, which I think is a good...
MBAnderson profile image

From a caregiver

Hi everyone! I’m new to this and am hoping to educate myself on the topic of Par...
Hidden profile image

FDA OKs Extended-Release Amantadine (Osmolex ER) for Parkinson's

Welcome to the world's daftest disease!

I've had about a month green juicing, fasting here and there, supplement after s...
jeeves19 profile image


Anyone having problems in C/L? When first our in MAO... acted out... came off....
Sweetie4Dave profile image

Did you know that Levodopa depletes SAM-e?

Here is the article:
faridaro profile image

A much better explanation of calciums role in Parkinson's Very interesting
parkie13 profile image

Warning contains TMI! Will anyone here talk about how their sex life affects their Parkinson's or how Parkinson's affects their sex life.

For me i am a open book. I will answer anything i am asked.

Who's on first

This is only part of it Enjoy Abbott: You throw the ball to first base. Costell...

Searching for topics

Hello, all. Is there a way to search for a particular topic within one community...
Mlitt0818 profile image