Has anyone had success with the drug Gala... - Cure Parkinson's
Has anyone had success with the drug Galantamine for Dementia? Anyone used Corvalen for fatigue?
As a nurse i have seen some good results with Galantamine, however as I am sure you are aware, its an indivdual thing and depends on your personal makeup as to whether it suits you. Not familiar with Corvalen . Take care
Thanks for your response. The Neuro took my husband off of the Exelon Patch and Seraquel and put him on 8 mg. of Galantamine 1x day. I give it to him with his breakfast and then he gets so tired he sleeps all morning and part of the afternoon and then doesn't sleep at night. I know tiredness is a side affect but I was wondering if I should give him the pill with his dinner so he can sleep during the night. Directions say take with food and drink lots of water which he wouldn't be getting if he was sleeping at night. Thanks for any suggestions you may have.