I am currently researching everything about using B1 for Parkinson's in preparation for writing a book "Parkinson's and the B1 protocol" (working title!). New people are being diagnosed every day and are searching for ways to improve their lot. I just thought that if everything was layed out clearly in one place...
I wanted to end the book with as many success stories as I could get hold of. I have messaged nearly 30 members of HU who have mentioned using B1 but have only heard back from 6. Perhaps their message notification is switched off!
If B1 has helped you, would you be so kind as to message me (click on my icon which should open up my page, then click message) with your story - when you started using it, how much you take, what symptoms it has helped, whether you have changed the dose etc. Could you end with your name - eg Fred from Norway.
Any profits from the book will go into the Go Fund Me pot to go towards funding a vital double blind placebo controlled study, without which the scientific world will continue to ignore the protocol.