I just want to say Thank you for this site and all of you amazing people. I read the posts often and this is my first post. I am a 54 year old female from Alberta Canada.
I was diagnosed with RA in July of this year with a CCP over 1000. Not sure what that means exactly. I just know that I was put on 2 Plaquenil a day right away by my GP and then I was scheduled for a Rheumy appt 3 weeks later, where he put me on 20 mg Prednisone and Methotrexate injections weekly along with the folic acid daily except for Meth date. My Rheumy told me to wean myself off of the Prednisone before my next appt with him on Sept 9th, which I have done. I am now on day 3 without any Prednisone, I have a wicked headache, my joints are all very sore, I didnt realize how the prednisone was blocking all of my pain. Today, I woke up with red itchy spots on my elbow, is this another side effect of weaning off of the prednisone?
I am concerned as 4 years ago I woke up with hives like these on my elbow and it was diagnosed as "Urticaria" which lasted for a year and a half. I am just praying that this is not the same diagnosis and is the side effects of weaning off of the prednisone. Or has anyone else had hives for extended period of time, is this another side effect of RA? I was diagnosed with Lupus as I had 12 years of positive ANA tests and then the 13th year it came back negative. So, my GP said I didnt have Lupus and left it at that. 5 years later I had the hives, a few years ago I had pain in my foot, this last year I had carpal tunnel surgery on my right wrist due to pain. Now I am diagnosed with aggressive RA. Has anyone else had a history similar to mine? Do you think all of my issues are RA related? It has been a long 20 years of frustrations!!