Hi everyone,
I’m a 29 yr old female. 1.5years ago I saw this black chunk in my stool. At the same time I had strong lower right abdominal pain, nausea, fatigue and general feeling unwell. I went to hospital and they found nothing. I later did an MRI and they said ‘fecal loading’, I then did a colonoscopy and again the doc said he found nothing. Since then I never noticed a black chunk like that again, but had on and off pain in the specific point (near appendix, but appendix all clear) which radiates up towards my ribcage and around to my back. My bowel habits are pretty different each day and I really have no appetite mixed with a bit of brain fog today. I sometimes notice what I believe to be bloody mucus over the stool. I’m writing here because again I’m feeling this way after 2 months of feeling better when I was home with my family. Last week I had an X-ray done as I ended up again at the hospital and it shows a cloudy mass in exactly the spot where I have pain, and the doc said it was stool and that I have constipation. I don’t know what to think, I definitely am going to the toilet, it sometimes feels worse after I poo, sometimes better, same with eating. Getting pretty desperate as all the docs say are IBS or constipation. Worried that it’s something more serious and it’s being overlooked because I’m young, fit, dancer and woman.