Ggrrrr does anyone else suffer with slow transit colon and struggle to go even with laxatives to the point your bowel gets impacted ??? This is the second time iv had it ... first time I was sent to hospital and prepped for surgery as they literally couldn’t get it to move but luckily a miracle happened and now I’m at home and well if you’ve had an impacted bowel before you just know the difference between that pain and constipation/Ibd pain, currently loading up on laxatives and preying I can avoid a hospital trip gggrrrr ( I’m aware you shouldn’t take laxatives with an impacted bowel due to the risk of tearing however iv been told these ones are ok to use and it’s what they would use in hospital)
Impacted bowel once again: Ggrrrr does... - Crohn's and Colit...
Impacted bowel once again

With IBS/IBD, I know you shouldn't drink fizzy drinks, however, there are some of us, on here, who have found that one can of Coca Cola per day is enough to keep us moving (albeit slowly). I personally, along with the numerous laxatives, also eat two Kiwi fruits per day. I have gone from once every week to ten days to one or twice every three days (Still incredibly painful to go and extremely well formed, but it works for me.) Sorry if tmi. Good luck, you can pm me for more info if you want to.
Thank you, even cola don’t work nothing short of laxatives work however taking them long term is bad it’s so frustrating lol
I was diagnosed last year with slow transit colon, levator-ani syndrome and have adhesions on bowel, bladder, abdomen and pelvis.
My condition is severe with laxatives having absolutely no effect. I use (daily) Quofora Trans-anal irrigation but having no ability to expel I have to perform manual extraction to clear away any blockage.(sorry about TMI).
It has been a very long journey of endless tests and trying lots of meds/treatments, to now having a working treatment in progress.
I suffer from excruciatingly painful bowel spasms which leaves me exhausted and bed bound for days.
Would like to hear from anyone who has this condition and any tips on meds/treatments that help .
I struggle with social activities as I have to know there is a toilet I can use (also suffer from incontinence) and I have trouble sitting on bottom for any length of time. I can empathise with anyone who struggles with this debilitating illness, I feel totally consumed and that my life is being taken over with this condition.