I am posting on behalf of my daughter who lives and works in N Cyprus . I hope that is alright. She is 54.
Around Christmas she started to get diarrhoea frequently. She was here for week in February and seemed not too bad. However the diarrhoea persisted and got more frequent so she went to see a doctor. She took bloods and stool sample which showed she had a severe infection. Then onto antibiotics and then a change to Flagyl which helped. She then had a Colonoscopy at another hospital which showed Colitis (by this time the infection had gone) She was given granules and steroids which cleared the whole thing up.
Fast forward to last weekend after weeks of nothing to eat but prebiotics and the fermented drink whose name escapes me and the odd boiled potato or dry toast, she gave in and had a take away beef burger. The diarrhoea started again predictably mostly at night.
I really don’t know what she should do now. She says she will go back to the original doctor with a stool sample and ask for bloods to be done again.
If she came back here she can’t use the nhs and going private would cost a fortune.
So what to do ? She is in N Cyprus upset and I am here wringing my hands ! If I was fit and well I would go out there. But I’m not unfortunately!
Any opinions from anyone would help enormously so thank you in advance.