I know that no one is a doctor here and that advice can’t be given.
Would just like peoples take on this. I have struggled with intense abdo pain for over a month that has got better with time. It had sudden onset and was after a period where I had my glands up.
Testing has all been fine (ESR, CRP, FBC, + all bloods done for abdo pain, not anaemic) In fact GP said my RBC and Haemoglobin was as perfect as it could be. Only slight deviation in bloods was Lympocytes were marginally low.
Feacal Calprotectin was 31.
I am still getting lower right pain, nowhere in the realms of what I was. GP had pretty much said that IBS is more likely and that anxiety is playing a large part in this.
Just wondered anyone else’s take on this, at the height of my symptoms, the idea of Crohns was suggested as being the answer...