My bf's got his fecal calprotectin level to 140. His doctor said the normal level is 120. He is now in UAE. What does it mean? Pls help. Thank you.
Fecal Calprotectin is 140: My bf's got... - Crohn's and Colit...
Fecal Calprotectin is 140

Normal level is 50 or less. Anything around 100 suggests inflammation in the guts but it might be from an infection. A UK doc would probably retest in a few weeks, then refer to a Gastro specialist if it is 150+ or higher. Levels can go up to about 5,000 at worst! Has he had any blood tests?
Hi Valbaty54, thank you for the infos shared. Really appreciate it.
Anyways, yes he was advised to have a hematology, calcium and xray tests and all turned out normal results. What does it mean then?
Good news that bloods, etc., are normal. The result just shows there is mild inflammation which could be caused by an infection of some kind, taking drugs like aspirin or ibuprofen regularly, too much alcohol or maybe IBS (not the same as IBD). Does he have symptoms like pain or diarrhoea? If so, a repeat test would be a good idea.
Hi Valbaty54, yes that was a good news. But I forgot to mention, there is still one test to be released tomorrow, the Vitamin D test. He said this is considered as the one which will tell if he has Crohn's Disease. He also had symptoms experienced for the last two weeks alternately, a diarrhea and a pain on his stomache. He was given today a medication for his small and large intestines.
Hi just for comparison my level was way past the 2000 level that the test went up to and I was diagnosed with UC in December. Although 140 is slightly high try not to worry about it
Hello DLGJ, my bf's got worried when he found out about the result of his fecal calprotectin. He was thinking on his colon too when he heard and searched about it. This was addded to his stress. His attending physician gave him a suggested food diet to intake and not. Then gave a strong dosage of meds for his small and large intestines. I advised him not to be stressed about his condition though. Giving him some words of encouragement. Also the reason why I end up into this group. I am thankful though. Thank you very much for the comforting words. Really appreciate it. ☺️