Hi, after 25 years of symptoms I finally saw a gastro today. It seems being diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis opens doors for you... He's being very thorough, said he is at a loss to explain what's going on with me. I was diagnosed with AS last October and first line of treatment whilst still in diagnostic stage was naproxen and omeprazole. With my stomach issues I just didn't take it, knowing it was likely to cause more problems. I had diarrhoea daily, multiple times, very urgent and I didn't want to make that worse. Rheumy made clear at next appt I really needed to take the naproxen so i started it and the "IBS" disappeared overnight. In the year I've been on it I can count on one hand the number of times I've had the "IBS" symptoms.
Gastro cannot explain it and now going to do a battery of tests. To say I am dreading them is an understatement. It is my worst nightmare. My sister in law is a nurse and she's suggested the nasal endoscopy as I have a real phobia of vomiting. Any suggestions to help me through gratefully received. I thought the MRI would be a breeze as had them for the AS then read the leaflet! Not looking forward to that either!!