Hi I’m under diagnosis of Crohns and I have Very bad pain , lower right sided abdomen so the GP gave me 5mg x 6 a day of Pred. It’s helped so much I’ve not needed pain killers but today the pain came back and I have brown, fish smelling pus/ mucus from my anus . Clear colonoscopy, clear of appendix and ovarian issues. Calprotectin 6 months ago was 400 . Any ideas what this could be ? I’m on my 7th day of prednisolone.
Prednisolone : Hi I’m under diagnosis... - Crohn's and Colit...

it could be stale blood mixed with pus in mucus. Im currently having a flare and this is one of my symptoms when ulceration is bad. I liken it to the smell of necrotic wounds/bed sores (Im a nurse) and I can understand the link with the fish smell. A feacal calprotectin of 400 is definate indication you have bowel inflammation. if you can get a sample of this and take to your GP. You need to see a gastroenterologist ASAP as steroids are just a quick fix
Hi, I’m a waiting a pillcam atm. Today is bad , really bad. Why isn’t the Pred working now? X
your probably passing it to quickly for it to be absorbed fully. unfortunately during a flare meds are not fully absorbed, thats why in severe flare ups pred is given intravenously for approx 2 days. this ensures it gets straight into the blood stream but means hospital admission.
whens your pillcam? x
Hi Thankyou for your support, I’ve been given a stronger steroid for 6 weeks, my pillcam is in a month, will the steroids affect the reading ?
steroids should reduce the inflammation, but there will still be evidence there was inflammation there, and there will be scar tissue x
Thankyou, I’m so scared. I’m scared it is crohns and scared it’s not, I have inflammation and pain . I’m not even sure what symptoms crohns is . I don’t have loose stalls , just impaction . I’m anemaic now too.
Crohns is typically ulceration and inflammation of the bowel leading to diarrhoea, urgency frequency, blood, mucus in stool, weight loss, malnutrition from malabsorption and fatigue. A stricture caused by inflammation or scar tissue causes narrowing of the bowel and this causes constipation/impaction.
If pain is too bad dont wait to see GP, go to A&E. you may be lucky enough to see a gastroenterologist earlier as it certainly sounds as tho you need too x