Hi everyone, I've had colitis for around 8 years at this point.
I've had quite a few flares - one particularly severe one that required hospitalisation.
But I guess each flare is a new beast.
I'm currently nearing 3 months into this flare. It got worse and worse and last check my calprotectin was over 2500.
I eventually got put on prednisolone (40mg 8 week taper). I've been on it before but this time the side effects have been brutal.
I'm 12 days in, severe insomnia, crippling gas etc etc. Am I feeling better? No. But do I feel different - kinda?
Frequency is down (from 8-9 visits per day to 3). But what I pass is still very obviously indicative of things really not being ok
It's been a long ish flare so I expected it could take a while to turn around...
But what is your experience of pred? Have you seen a meaningful improvement in days or weeks before?
I'm concerned that with the taper maybe I should have seen the bulk of the progress by now perhaps?