No this isn't a weather blog but shows why I took a lightweight jacket with me that only lasted until the end of run one and then I had to run with it tied around me. It's annoying. Has anyone invented a jacket that automatically rolls up into a belt around your waist?!! The wind was trying to suck my breathe away at one point.
I didn't cover as far as last week and I felt I cheated as I was trying to get the uphill bits into the walk sections. I will be honest with myself next time and do my usual route to see how I do.
W2r3 I did in a forest that said I was following a 5km course. It was a bit short BUT I did it in 42 minutes so I was chuffed with myself.
Totally off the subject I'm teaching cycling at school this term - over 30 children on the road, with other helpers and trainers. Either my runs will keep me sane or I'll be dragging myself out!