5x50 part one
It was apt that I did my day 50 on the last day of the holiday in Sydney, as the reason I wanted to do 100 days was to start early enough to get fit for the holiday and also to do it whilst on holiday.
I found day 49 really tough, and my knees were really struggling at the end of the swim. The tennis was fun (day 50) and today I arrived back in the UK and went on the treadmill because, guess what? It's cold and raining! Still, it was probably the best choice with my dodgy knees. So the last days look like this:
Day 45 ran 5k walked 8k
Day 46 walk 5k
Day 47 30 minute swim/4k walk
Day 48 Ran 5k walked 3k
Day 49 30 minute swim
Day 50 30 minute tennis
I am rather daunted about doing another 50 if I am honest. I will have to really listen to my body and not run for a while until the knees feel better. Also I will have to get inspired again; at the moment I have post holiday blues! Continuing will be good for the waist line though because a lot of yummy food has been consumed whilst away!
As we can all see each others activities and thanks to Malcy can get graphs(brilliant!)I will not feel the need to blog now, unless I need support for some reason! Good luck to you all in the team. I think we've made a great start.
So thanks for all your comments and help on the way, and wish me luck with the next 50!