Yesterday - Week 9 run 3 ... in the bag!!! Done and dusted. Started couch to 5k on the 3rd December last year, had some repeat weeks early on but as the programme went on, no repeats --- and no stoppages at all. So determined each time I set out to 'not stop' part way through ... as much of a mental challenge as anything, especially as the weeks progress. Final few yards yesterday was great as a group of people who were walking towards me said hi ... it was a local doctor I knew. His face was a picture!! He knows I've lost over eight stone. Did the Couch programme as a challenge to keep fit. The running has massively improved my stamina in my Rosemary Conley exercise classes. A few weeks ago ran round Ramsey Park in the Isle of Man, which was a nice change. Love the music in week 9 ... but may put my own music together. Nice to change routes from time to time ... going to explore Lancaster Canal in the next couple of weeks. A big thankyou to my mentor Debs who has given me words of encouragement ... when I thought I couldn't do certain weeks. Spread the word ... the programme is amazing. Now got my sister and niece doing the programme. Great to inspire others to join!
It's in the bag!!: Yesterday - Week 9 run... - Couch to 5K
It's in the bag!!

Massive congratulations on C25K and the weight loss, don't forget to claim your badge!

Well done! Brilliant achievement to lose so much weight. Now keep running and it will never come back!

Congratulations! I've been recommending the program to a lot of people too
Congratulations and good on you motivating and inspiring others!

Awesome you! Many congratulations upon graduating! Great that you are chivvying others to join too... Well done. As for the canal - super idea! I've a good mate who can't run (serious joint problems) but she is training to walk a marathon! So we've decided to walk the length of our local canal together...Basingstoke Canal has just over 30 miles of flat towpaths... So we're doing a bit each week. Makes a good cross-training session for my C25K rest days

Very well done on graduating and on the weight loss; just brilliant! Keep it up and you will never look back. Welcome to the Grad Club!
Sue x

Thankyou x Just wondering ... how do I get the graduation badge? Not sure what to do. many thanks.
Well done on graduating...
You can get your badge by sending a message to NHS_Choices_fitness_editor... Find him using this link.
and then click SEND A MESSAGE
You can tell the world using various clothing emblazoned with the C25K Graduate logo from myself using this link...

Many thanks.