I am flying in the clouds tonight! I have to admit I was a bit apprehensive about that run tonight and was getting that oh so gnawing anxiety just beforehand. I really need to believe in myself more! So off we go with the Baltic wind in my face......OMG its freezing....! Then 4 mins in another runner coming towards me...oh no...then, did he really give me a thumps up? 6 minutes in, and a nice rhythm coming....hmmm, nice...then the corner that I hate because its up a bit of an incline....and my app says " Time 12 minutes and 35 seconds, distance 1.6km"...Ehhh? What? My last time was around 13.5 at this distance...on up the little hill, then more runners...head up girl, they smile....good. Round the bend starting for home again, and still feeling good, then STITCH. Arghhhh. Never had one yet. It was killing me....keep going....past the usual STOP point...havent reached 30 mins yet. Stitch gone, feels nice, keep going, turn round for home, slow down. Stop the app. Time 31 mins, distance 4.12km!!!! Woo hoo!
First Post grad run - Who is this woman? - Couch to 5K
First Post grad run - Who is this woman?

Shall I tell you who this woman is? It is Karen, the runner that's who!!! Bloody well done lady, to get out there in this awful weather and do so well! Feel proud; feel VERY proud!! There is nothing stopping you now!
Sue x
Hey Sue, thanks As soon as I stopped tonight I was just chatting away with the hubby, then realised I wasnt even out of breath - amazing. I just wish every run was the same but I know next time will be harder - that seems to be the mantra for me. But I keep coming back for more!

Lovely work!

Well done! I ranyesterday for the first time, post-graduation, in about 4weeks (injury, alas) and I pondered whether to start back at wk 6 or 7 but then thought "nah, give it a go" - delighted to report that while I seemed to get a bit puffed about the 20-min mark, I was able to keep going, and even picked up a bit of speed for short bursts, and finished feeling great. Sadly, the niggling hip pain came back with a vengeance a few hours later, but that's another story...
...or maybe part of the same story... I noticing niggling hip aches when I speed up, I think. Perhaps see whether the hip would be ok if you avoided speeding up?
I have googled it and hip pain not uncommon in novice runners, apparently - think in my case it's the muscle that holds the pelvis in place while the leg swings back and forward. So now, as well as the glute and quad exercises that I've been given to do pre-run to protect my knees, I'm now going to have to do another one to strengthen my hip muscles. An experienced runner recently told me it's like a never-ending game with your body - you sort one pain/niggle out and another one pops up elsewhere! I keep meaning to have a go with the Strength & Flexibility exercises on the C25K site to see if an all-round approach might help - have you done any of them?
Yes, but I didn't keep it up very well. I tried doing it indoors, but the walking is a bit crazy round the house, and although I'm now happy running in front of other people, I'm not so keen on doing exercises in full sight! I do odd bits here and there from it though (eg practising squats while I wait for the microwave!), or pull-ups (?) off the stair-case post (or whatever it's called).
Slowing down has sorted out all the niggles I've had so far - knee, calf, shin and hip - none of them major, but all have gone just by being gentler for a bit. I'm sure core strength would help too though.

well done k6daisy!