Wehhelllllllllll! Smoke me a large one, tis partayyyy time!
Nice and steady one foot in front of the other, with the biggest jaw popping grin on my chops, I thought I'd taken to many meds!
The run? Did I run! I remember warming up, stretching, and then re reading in my head the comments, the gentle pushes, the genuine heartfelt words that enabled me to do this.
Several weeks ago I made a deal with myself, to finish this course, and then actually start living again, not just getting up, going to work, surviving etc etc, this course and the great blogs of people who have no idea how much they have helped me.
Well to you all thank you!
I ran the run as if I had been doing it for ever, 30:00 mins to each and every second please kiss my pert glutes.
Now i will rub my self down with effervescent herbs and spices, and bathe in the glow of a job well done.
Next? Well one foot in front of the other! Maybe just maybe a little bit faster!
All the best my little sherbets.