Parkrun time now down to 30:28 for 5k. An improvement of nearly 5 minutes from my first run 7 weeks ago. So close to the target of 5k in 30 minutes
Nearly at 30 minutes: Parkrun time now down to... - Couch to 5K
Nearly at 30 minutes

Sounds like your next run could be the one!

Well done, Chris. I plan to do a tempo run on Wednesday and time myself for 5K using my Garmin. Then I'll try to get to a Parkrun within a few weeks to get an 'official' time for 5K. I managed to complete an intervals speed training session today, so I hope this will show some improvement.

Well done Chris, I also did a Parkrun on Saturday and was also just over the 30 min mark with a time of 30:19. We will get there with time.

Distance training and improving my running technique has given me the most benefit so far. I am now on Week 4 of B210k and do this on Tuesday and Thursday with parkrun on Saturday. Once I have completed the 10k training I will move on to the speed training podcast on Tuesday and a long run on Thursday
Thanks for the support

Well done you! Congratulations on a fine run.