Hi all, I have been hearing a few mentions do Chi Running both on and off line. I would appreciate an elaboration of thoughts and experiences please as I am thinking of getting the book and I do love a good old discussion
Any thoughts on or experiences of Chi Running? - Couch to 5K
Any thoughts on or experiences of Chi Running?

My son bought me the book last year and I dip into it from time-to-time. I confess I don't feel hugely enlightened, although it has taught me better posture when running up hills!

I was really glad I read it, as it made me think about my posture more, and gave me ideas for avoiding injury. (I skimmed the 'chi' bits really.)
Good stuff green legs, thanks for that As it happens I have practised tai chi over the years so I am not averse to a bit of 'chi'
but I wanted to see if it would be of practical rather than spiritual use which from the comments so far looks like the case.
Cheers Jems
You'd probably enjoy it then - I don't mind the 'chi' bits - to some extent I do 'get' it (I still do a relaxation that I was taught in a yoga class, which I think is based on chi, or something similar - 'drawing the energy up your spine' etc) but too much of it switches my mind off! But it was ok, and the practical stuff was good, I thought.

I did Tai Chi last year and loved it, will have to have a look at this book too. My posture is bad at the best of times and it really helped me focus on holding myself up tall. The class stopped as it wasn't well attended, a real shame.
There are a few clips of the author explaining a few of the principles on you tube. My other half and I were looking last night and found it very interesting. Hope you enjoy the book.....
Shame your class was cancelled - ours was too as numbers were not consistent. I really loved it too as it was such a nice contrast to all the crazy gym work I do

Another one added to my Amazon basket.
I swear to god this running lark is becoming more expensive by the day....
I've been curious about this as I've only started running the C25K. I started week 4 this morning and doing the longer runs(5mins) I just concentrate on my breathing. I started using mindfulness meditation last year and this allows me to focus and zone out at the same time. Think I'll need to take a look at the books !.

The ability to zone out has escaped me on my last couple of long runs but you you have given me a good reminder so thanks