Went for my 1st ever "run" 6 days ago having had an urge to run! After 47 years?! I then "found" couch to 5k the next day so started it, in the snow, 2 days after that 1st outing. Was pleasantly surprised but then found that the pain in my groin meant delaying run 2 by 24 hours. Did this last night in temps of minus goodness knows what- damn cold! Found the lower temp made my breathing more dificult and the pain in my groin had returned by the end of my 5 minute warm up! I persevered and completed the run, thought that I wouldn't be able to walk today! Surprised that it doesn't feel too bad, I think that's because my hips hurt now! Despite the aches and pains I have never before felt that feeling of being totally energised and refreshed (?) that you get after a run. I don't care how long this takes me but I aim to see it through with the help of a few Ibuprofen!! Run 3 tomorrow! Slightly nervus about approaching week 2!
Never thought I'd run!: Went for my 1st ever... - Couch to 5K
Never thought I'd run!

Don't forget to take the rest days - you'll really need them as you progress. If you need to take a couple of days between that doesn't matter - most people have aches and pains as they start running . If after one rest day you feel ok - then great get out there!
Look up the stretches as well - I realised how important it was to really stretch afterwards to reduce niggles.
but keep going - it's a fantastic journey - and you will be absolutely amazed with yourself by the end of it.
and remember - the days are getting longer - so you're running towards the light and the sunshine of spring

I enjoyed the programme from the second run (my first was a nightmare) and am now at the stage where I can see significant rewards for the work I've put in. You'll be amazed at how quickly you get to that point.

It's a fantastic programme, avrili! I agree completely with the posts above. I often take at least 2 days rest as it keeps the niggles at bay. The stretching after a run will help to ease any aches and pains. There's lots of really good advice on here - check the tags. Best wishes, keep blogging so we can encourage you, although it sounds as though you've been bitten by the running bug!

Well done! I started running at age 49.5, I continue to have aches and pains but more in the joints now. Nothing like the first weeks. Ice, muscle rub and ibuprofen will become your best friends!
Keep going, you're going to be so happy with all you achieve! Gayle

It is so lovely to see new people discovering a different side to themselves. I loved the first bit about 'having had an urge to run'!
If you do find aches and twinges bothering you, do some searching on here - there are lots of useful tips. The thing that made most difference for me was taking smaller steps and slowing down, drastically (slower than walking, honest!) for the first 3 or 4 weeks, while my body was getting used to this strange thing I was asking it to do. I'm still slow, but can now speed up a wee bit if I want to, without ending up achey.
I used to think I hated running, but I was wrong!