Down but not out: I've not been out since doing... - Couch to 5K

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Down but not out

Leyther1 profile image
9 Replies

I've not been out since doing W8R3 last Thursday. Some idiot has written my car off (whilst it was parked on my front) and now I've got a terrible cold, bad chest and sore throat etc. Can't believe I hadn't missed a session since I started. I am now apprehensive about getting back into it when I do start to feel better and my confidence hasn't half taken a knock. When I feel well enough to get back out there I will and I'll just have to see how far I can go.

I have read how many others have come back after injury and picked the program back up so there's no reason why I can't it's just I was doing so well, grrrrrrr. I hadn't wanted to post anything on here until now as I was so gutted and felt like giving up, so at least I've made this step and I know I'll do it.

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Leyther1 profile image
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9 Replies
SBG356 profile image

That is exactly when you should come here and either rant or just let us know how you are feeling Leyther because here is where you will get that encouragement and help to get back out there and not give up!!

Sorry to hear about the car and your cold and just how you are feeling in general. It is gutting when you just want to run but cant but hey, its not the end of the world, you will soon be back out there and when you are just run for as long as you can and build back up to the 30 mins run of week 9; you may be surprised that it wont take very long at all. It is certainly no reason to give up though - just think of how far you have come and dont doubt your ability to get back in the groove!

Get well soon!

Sue x

PeaBea profile image

Sorry to hear about both your car and cold. My car got shunted a couple of weeks ago and though at low speed I have been told it might get written off because of the cost of repair. Like you I was deflated but when I did go out for a run (well juffle in my case) it cheered me up and blew away the cobwebs. So my suggestion is to go for your next run a d see how you get on. After what has happened the worst is you might have to repeat it - but fingers crossed you will sail through. Good luck.

gdeann profile image

So sorry to read about the car and you're feeling terrible. Try to rest, recuperate and then slowly get back out running. You have came so far, this is just a little bump in the road, sadly called real life. Steve and I are having problems making running times as well. First the flu which wiped out all of us, then our daughter having surgery plus just the hectic time of the holidays. I am so looking forward to spring! :-) Blessings to you and hoping you have a speedy recovery! Gayle

Jadis profile image

You can do this! I lost 5 days to a heavy cold the other week (although luckily didn't have the double whammy you have - much sympathy). I was worried I was going to have taken a step back and about whether I was well enough to go out again, but I thought to myself - am I just giving up then, or am I going to try. And out I went. And yes - it wasn't as good as it could have been, but it was no where near as bad as I'd feared. I didn't run it all, but I kept moving and my little walking breaks were kept to a minimum, it was enough though for me to feel like I could do it again and tow days after I was right back up to the week I'd left off at.

So get well soon, then get back on the horse - you can do it!

Jaxat109 profile image

That's such a blow when you're going 'great guns'. But it will make you stronger in the long term because you've had to battle, the things we win the hard way are so much more rewarding than the stuff that comes easily.

You'll do it, just take your time and listen to your body.



vixiej profile image

hey, hope you feel better soon. Don't worry about the break, I had flu and a broken toe, so had to take off 10 days sometime around 7 or 8 weeks in. I did a 5K charity run during week 8 and managed it ok, you will be fine. It takes more than a cough and cold to lose your fitness. The enforced rest will give your leg muscles time to repair and grow even stronger and you will be champing at the bit to get back out there when you start feeling better ;-)

Sorry to hear about the car. Just get yourself better from the cold virus and then get back out there like so many have done before. I had my knee problem after week 5 and then got a cold so I took the advice from this forum and made sure I was properly recovered before I started running again I was out for four weeks. Also when I had the set back in W6R3 you encouraged me to get back out there and try again. So I am encouraging you to get back out there when you feel right to do so. I know you can do it. :-)

smhall profile image

I am so sorry to hear about both your car's body and yours, as well! :-) It seems that both of them are giving you troubles!! Take good care of yourself and give that cold the boot!!

I don't think that you need to worry about your return to running. You will do fine!! Hey, it took you more than a few days to become a RUNNER and it takes more than a few days to undo that success!! I like the way that vixie are just getting a bit more of a rest and recovery time!!

As Gayle said, we are also having a terrible time fitting our running schedule into "real life" right now. With a bout of flu that had us begging for mercy and a daughter in for knee surgery, we just have had other priorities. But just like you...we will do fine. How do I know that? We are RUNNERS and RUNNERS, RUN!!! That is what we do!! :-)

Take care of yourself!!

Keep Running!! (Well, as soon as you can!!) :-)


Leyther1 profile image

Thank you so much everyone. You've made me cry! (in a good way). I'm finally feeling a little more like myself today and am feeling more positive that as soon as I'm A1 I'll be lacing up my trainers and getting back out there! :) All the best to you all, especially those also struggling for one reason or another. x

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