25 minutes of pure, solid running done!!!
Tide times meant that I couldn't do my usual morning run, so yesterday afternoon in glorious sunshine and a not so glorious side wind I went. Fully stretched, warmed up and with great enthusiasm me and my faithful hound marched out to the beach.
The 1st 5 minutes were, as always, a bit of a struggle (takes me a few minutes to get my breathing pattern sorted) but I had some great music on and a beautiful sunset to watch as I ran so I carried on and on until I hit the 25 minute mark. Found it tough but was so impressed with myself once I'd done it and it gave me the confidence to know that I will complete this programme
I was nearly put off my stride when Winston (dog) suddenly made a beeline for something and when I looked over to see what it was (a crazy bouncy puppy who then decided to join us once I'd called doggie back to me), I caught a glimpse of a man, totally naked but for a well placed towel, attempting to get into his wetsuit in the wind. I have never tried so hard not to laugh!! HIs wife failed in this though and was bent double with tears streaming down her face!!!
The joys of running in the great outdoors despite normally fighting against rain, wind or ice its always worth it for the sights you see!
Good luck to everyone at all stages, I hope the success stories motivate you to carry on no matter how hard it feels at the time