I had all intention of heading out early this morning for a run, but at 6am when the alarm went off I just couldn't prise myself out of bed. What a big mistake! It was
windy but wasn't raining at 6 but when I finally get up and head out about 9am the rain was pouring down!
Once I was out I soon got use to the rain but the wind was a killer! I started wk6 r2 today and by 5 minutes into the first run I felt completely battered by the wind and really wanted to stop and go home. Luckily my route changed direction and the wind was behind me and gave me the rest bite I needed to complete the first 10 minute run.
In the end I changed the rest of my route so it I wasn't running into the wind the whole time. I completed my second although very red faced and out of breath.
I am really worried about run 3, 25 minutes seems an awful lot given how I felt after my run today.