Yeah! Positive me is back! 28 mins done with the help of yaktrax which really helped give me confidence that I wasn't going to slip on any ice! I'm feeling on top of the world all the best to you guys gearing up for a run, hope it's a good one
W8R1: Yeah! Positive me is back! 28 mins done... - Couch to 5K

Well done you! Glad to hear there were no doubts or negative thoughts on this run....! You are well on your way now, woo hoo!!
BTW, how did you find running with the yaktrax? Did it make it harder to run or alter your run at all? I am thinking of getting some but would like some feedback from users first.
Sue x

Thanks a lot Sue! Yaktrax downsides for me were the crunching noise they made on the pavement in particular in places where there's no ice, and me checking they hadn't come off every now and then. I wouldn't say they hampered how I ran as time and distance wise I did as I had hoped/ expected. I think after using them a couple of times I'll be more confident that they're not going to come off mid run. It does feel different with them on but not enough to put me off running, and they do give you more confidence on the road/ pavement because of the increased grip. I tried them out on a piece of black ice outside my house before I set off by trying to deliberately to a "skid" (no puns please), don't get me wrong I think you could still slip a little but they kicked in to stop it becoming a big slip enough to have you end up on your bum. They get a thums up from me. Hope this helps. X

Well done on achieving 28 minutes.
thanks for the review, I've the Yak Trax on my Christmas list so I hope the weather behaves until then - slim chance!
Well done for getting the positive thoughts back and the 28 minutes. Not so icy down in southern England so no need for Yaktrax yet. Not sure what I will do when the weather does turn bad, but hopefully if it does it won't last long but who knows with the crazy weather we have seen across the country in the last couple of years.