Big big thanks to anyone who said I could and would do it after my other blogs, and also to those who inadvertantly helped by blogging their experiences on here. The first 10 mins were the worst, then after that I calmed down a bit and knew I'd complete it. I'm one very happy camper. X
W5R3 ...20 minutes in the bag!: Big big thanks... - Couch to 5K
W5R3 ...20 minutes in the bag!

Brilliant, Leyther! You're well on your way to graduation now!

Brilliant, well done, there will be no stopping you now. Keep running

Superb, Leyther!! In just 5 weeks you have gone from 1 minute runs to a full 20 minute run!! That is quite impressive if I do say so myself!! Well done!!
Enjoy a couple of days of rest and don't underestimate W6! Many of us found it a bit challenging after the mental high of conquering 20 minutes. The intervals return next week and can be a bit tough, but you are physically ready for them!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!
You have passed the halfway point in the program and you are progressing marvelously!! You will be sporting that "Graduate" badge before you know it!!
Keep Running!!

Fabulous Leyther! That's a real milestone - now hopefully you can see that 30 mins is more than possible and is within reach. Keep up the good work!