I've had a look at the weather forecast and tomorrow morning where I live in Paris it looks wet, wet, wet. I've been lucky so far since starting C25K in May that I've gone through Spring and Summer and Autumn without a really wet and cold run. It looks like tomorrow will be very different. I intend to get up and out there at dawn, so about 7.30 a.m. here. I know already that at 7.00 a.m. I'm going to be staring out of the window in my running gear and having serious doubts about going out. What do you all do to get out there? I'd love to hear from anybody else who will be going through it at the same time (an hour earlier then in the UK). It's give me a good incentive to "virtually" join you! I really want to run 8k tomorrow as I'm trying to get to 10k.
Tomorrow morning in the cold and rain - anybo... - Couch to 5K
Tomorrow morning in the cold and rain - anybody else going to be there?

I would join you but as I'm doing an 8 mile hike tomorrow, I think I need to give it a miss. Although Paris at any time of the year sounds lovely, its probably just as normal as any other city/town to run in but the word "Paris" just sounds very romantic and different.
I will be thinking of you though, as I will be up and getting ready, get out there and enjoy whatever the weather

Glad to know others will be getting out there. I hope you enjoy your hike. As you say "whatever the weather" is true, because I always end up feeling great through running. In fact the cold and wet and dark could make it even more rewarding! Yes, living in Paris does get to being like living anywhere - you still have to earn a living and put up with the usual bother. But - and its a big but - its still a very beautiful place to whinge in! Have a great day tomorrow. Where will you be?
Hope your run went well. I hiked from Chipping Norton, up to the Rollright Stones and back again. It was a good walk although hilly and muddy, and the sun shone, what a bonus
Lay everything you need to run in (shoes, socks, underwear, trousers, top, mp3 player etc) out tonight and try to just force yourself to put it on as soon as you get up. Once in your running gear, you can't not go!
I LOVE running in the rain! It is so much fun! I love running in general but there are still some days when I can't be bothered to go out so I lay the clothes out, refuse to find excuses and just go for it Maybe visualising your end goal will help too.
I'm doing park run tomorrow so won't be able to be your virtual runnning buddy as it doesn't start til 9:30am uk time but all the best and I hope you enjoy it!

Thanks for that NewbieRunner - or not so Newbie now perhaps! I'll certainly get everything ready tonight, not forgetting a quick snack before I head out. I've just had another look at the forecast and now they say its going to be 7°C and showery so not so bad.
Am I right to avoid waterproof tops anyone? I can't bear the idea of slowly burning up under one.
Have a great Park Run - that marvelous UK invention, they don't have them here.
I think if you have a jacket that doesnt "breathe" it would be quite unbearable personally; I have a light one that is showerproof rather than totally waterproof which if it gets too hot I can take off and tie round my waist or just unzip. I have only worn it with short sleeved/vest tops underneath rather than long sleeved tops as it's just not cold enough for that yet. I would rather be cool and wet than dry and hot as long as I keep moving as I do tend to get hot quickly but that could be due to my age and all that that brings!!!
I do what Newbie suggests too, lay everything out so its easier to get going.
Have a great run in the city of lurve; I would love to "join" you too but think its more likely to be Sunday morning. Sue
After this morning's (successful) run I can see that a fleece is a bad idea! It didn't last long and then I was down to a short-sleeved T-shirt which was fine. No rain, so I'll see how that goes another time. Maybe I'm the same age as you (51) and I'm in the same boat, heat-wise. I have enough of getting hot and sweaty without running. I don't mind the cold but I just worry my muscles will get too cold and contract afterwards if I don't have something warm to throw on. Funny, not long ago I wouldn't have thought I had any muscles that would do sporty things like contracting!
I have a very inexpensive waterproof jacket that I wear for 5-10 minutes before tying it around my waist and getting soaked in the rain. It's hi-vis so still serves a purpose
I won't be doing the early morning thing tomorrow but I am running in a race called Mad Jacks Five - my first off road, 5 miles with an 18inch deep pond to run through near the end so I'll certainly be getting soggy...
Wet is fun - and hides the sweat. Enjoy !
Yes, after this morning I'm going to go for a light showerproof jacket which won't weigh me down when it hangs around my waist. I was really miffed not to have had a spot of rain this morning!
I envy you your off road today - it should be great fun - let us know how you get on?
As others have said, waterproofs are more hassle than they're worth. As long as you have access to a hot shower, bath or warm, dry clothes when you come in from your run, just go out and get soaked! It's fun!
Hope you had a lovely run whatever the weather!
Hi NewbieRunner. As I just wrote, it was dry and quite warm this morning so there was no question of extra layers. Now you mention the fun of getting wet I'm torn between just going for it in the rain and having something to hand for being warm afterwards. I have quite a trek home after running (I head out to a track on the other side of my bit of the suburb to do my "long run") and worry about muscles getting cold afterwards. Am I being a baby?
No, I understand exactly what you mean; once I stop running, my temperature plummets! I am ok as long as I'm in the shower within 20 minutes after stopping running. I've never tried leaving it longer but it is probably fine; maybe just a bit unpleasant. I might do a wee google search to see what the science is on how quickly muscles get cold! Well done for getting up and out this morning

I plan to be up and out very early...prob around 6.30 so same time as you. We can run together!, Dont mind the rain for running but volunteering at my local parkrun from 8.15 and don't think that will be much fun in the rain!
Wish I'd seen your post this morning before I went out! But I thought about all my C25K buddies as I went around anyway - when I lose a bit of oomph I find that helps me to carry on. Hope the parkrun was fun despite the rain.

I'll be running at my local ParkRun tomorrow at 9am - I'll be thinking of you all

I love to get out in the rain. so far most of my long runs have been in the rain & it is great for me as I get sooooo hot that the rain keeps me cool. I dont like it on my face, or the wind for that matter, as it makes my eyes water so I wear a baseball cap when it rains. its good so you can shelter yourself a bit from the wind & the only time your face gets wet is when water starts dripping off the peak! I usually look like a mad woman doing my warmup in 3/4 leggings & short-sleeved tshirt, but once I get running I feel the benefit of not having a jacket. I sometimes take my showerproof jacket but after about 5mins it is round my waist & just a bit of a pain, so have now taken to wearing long sleeves that I can push up to my elbows to keep me cooler.
have fun. dont avoid the rain. feel great that when it rains you hardly ever see the "fair weather joggers" & makes you feel like a real runner hehe