Am having problem with my knee and saw GP today who recommends a referral for possible surgery as he thinks I have damaged the knee cartilage. I want to get back to running, but want to know what the outlook may be if I decide to go with the recommendation. At the moment, I have said I will see how it goes over the next month and go and see him for a referral if problem continues.
Anyone running post knee cartilage surgery? - Couch to 5K
Anyone running post knee cartilage surgery?

I'm so sorry you're having this problem. I think if a doctor thought I might need knee surgery I would stop running immediately and check it out. Honestly I wouldn't carry on without another opinion. The risk is that you have a serious problem and you might make it much worse and put off your return to running for ages/forever. Please be prudent.

I had knee surgery almost 30 years ago after a very bad car accident. My right knee cap was basically smashed to bits, my crossed ligaments torn to smithereens and obviously so were my minuscus -- not to mention broken ribs, collar bone, nose etc. Yes, I was wearing a safety belt thank God. Anyway, I had surgery, they basically used titanium wire to hold the knee together in a sort of coil, removed what was left of the miniscus and could do nothing with the ligaments. I am talking 1983. I was told that by the time I was 70 I would end up in a wheelchair.
I have since had 3 kids, been skiing and horse riding, danced, you name it.
The knee came back to haunt me with a vengeance about 5 years ago. Doctors told me that there was nothing I could do, just wait till it collapsed and then they would replace it.
Here comes the good bit --- This program has done my knees nothing but good! I do have the odd twinge, but they are just fine. 70 is still a long way off, but I intend to get there on my own two feet. Cartilage re-forms. See a good sports' doctor. caro, footballers knacker their knees all the time, they hardly retire afterwrads, do they?
Good luck and let me know how you get on. delia

I had a subtotal menisectomy for a bucket handle tear in the cartilage on my left knee 2 years ago and have no problems running. The knee feels brand new now! The other knee is starting to go as the consultant predicted it would but the running is helping to strengthen all the muscles in my leg and hopefully this will delay any injury requiring surgery for a very long time.

I would get a second opinion from a sports doc or physio. Your GP might not see many running injuries/problems.
This is a happy little website I found when I was trawling to find help with my own knee:
I think the thing to remember is that experts have the training and the experience to help you, plus they have your knee right there in front of them. I don't think it's a good idea to treat yourself for too long, especially as your GP has said it might be your meniscus.
Good luck!
Hi I had surgery for torn meniscus 2012 and am still in pain. Despite further MRI and knee specialist I was told these words exactly "sometimes knees just aren't happy". I love to run and since then have had to stop. I have been told I will never run another marathon and that's it. I've been devastated but won't stop training. I now cycle I have just completed Tough Mudder and train daily. I would love to run distance again but the pain feels just as bad as when I torn it. Sometimes I wish I'd never had the surgery but what's done is done. I know I'm not answering your question but just wanted to pre warn that sometimes despite surgery things don't always go back to where u wanna be