flippin' 'eck that were 'ard! but I live to te... - Couch to 5K

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flippin' 'eck that were 'ard! but I live to tell the tale.....

AuntieAli profile image
25 Replies

first run of week three......

after catching up with the next door neighbour for a bit, I set off with Laura in my ear ready for week three.

I was thankful for the warm up session but then panicked a bit when Laura told me what I was in for. Sorry??? Is this running making me have a hearing problem - Im sure I heard Laura say I was going to run for three minutes!!! Twice!! Erm, dunno about that.

have faith in Laura and the program is what my fellow C25Kers say.

So, I did the first 90 seconds run more comfortably than last week. Hmmm, improvement there I think.

Then it came to the 3 minute run. Jeez, they felt like the longest 3 minutes of my life!!! But I did it. Phew!!

I did the other 90 seconds run and then it came to the other 3 minute run..... when Laura said that there was 'only' a minute to go and I would be getting tired and may feel like stopping, she was bloody right!!!! I felt like I was running in quicksand and getting no where fast. My lungs were bursting and i was ready to give up.

But I didnt, and Im so glad I kept going. I admire my fellow C25kers who felt able to add on an extra minute or two running at this point. I can safely say I wouldn't be here blogging if I had!!!! I sure ache - particularly my calves but Im perversly looking forward to my next run. Wierd.

Thanks for all your support out there. I appreciate it. Couldn't do this without knowing you're all out there.

Keep on running!!


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AuntieAli profile image
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25 Replies
Samla profile image

Well done Auntie Ali! It's such a good feeling isn't it when you think you can't but actually, YOU CAN!! Your head has the idea and that's the hardest part. Good luck for run two. x

AuntieAli profile image
AuntieAliGraduate in reply to Samla

thanks Samla - my head always says I can do it, but my poor body has other ideas!!!


Alliecat71 profile image

Well done! You sound like you're really making progress! Keep it up and congrats x

AuntieAli profile image
AuntieAliGraduate in reply to Alliecat71

cheers Alliecat!! appreciate the support ;-) i hope I can keep it up.....

vikicats profile image

Well done AuntieAli I have also completed W3R1 today after returning from injury. Wasn't too bad. Keep at it, it does get easier and you get strangely hooked - I never thought I'd say I enjoyed running but I do! Weird! :-)

AuntieAli profile image
AuntieAliGraduate in reply to vikicats

definitely weird this enjoying running malarky vikicats!! I think its a lot to do with being out on your own, trying to switch off from the days stresses? keep on running!! :-)

pinkus profile image

Yer....Excellent Work Auntie Ali !!! You brought back memories for me hahaha, I had a good old chuckle...I can vividly remember those 3 minute blocks and they did seem soooo long but good on you for keeping going, you must feel so happy with yourself. Keep up the good work and Keep Running its addictive. xx

AuntieAli profile image
AuntieAliGraduate in reply to pinkus

God pinkus it was sooooo hard to keep going!! but glad i kept going. thanks for the support and I'll let you know what happens for the next one (hoping it easier.....) ;-)

teeandtoast profile image

I've only just started wk2 - after a couple of weeks at wk1 ...reading your blog I think I may do wk2 for a tad longer than a week! Great to know that there are lots of people having the same experience of trying and pushing themselves and succeeding!! Congrats on getting thru the run and good luck with the next one!

AuntieAli profile image
AuntieAliGraduate in reply to teeandtoast

hiyateeandtoast - I am not finding this easy at all despite my love of running back in my younger days. Its soo hard and i do have to push myself - but Im enjoying being out and about.

thanks for your support - GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR RUNS!!

WE CAN DO THIS :-) !!!

rfawag profile image

Way to go, you did it!! And you already are noticing improvement so that is brill. It's week 5 I'm bricking about. Run 3 - 20 straight minutes!!! I have been reassured by other c25kers that I will do it, but it seems a flipping huge task right now. Anyway, off for w3r2 before the rain comes down. Dont want to encounter those flaming cows again, so racking my brains for somewhere to go. Anyhow, well done and keep it up!

AuntieAli profile image
AuntieAliGraduate in reply to rfawag

rfawag - you do have a habit of telling me whats in store for the weeks ahead and its scares the living bejesus out of me!!!

sorry - 20 minutes straight?? you gotta be kidding me!!

but --- YOU CAN DO IT!!!

wahooooooooooo (faint...)


Well done AuntieAli! You'll find the next one a bit easier I'll bet.

Its amazing how the mind can overcome what the body is feeling and I think the support on here is a big part of that. Just thinking that you're not the only one doing it has helped me loads. I'm about to do W3R1 tonight and am looking forward to getting out again.

And yes I'll agree with those that say its addictive. Who'd have thought I would be looking forward to going for a run?!?!

Once again WELL DONE!!!!

AuntieAli profile image
AuntieAliGraduate in reply to

I hope to betsy the next is easier else Im going to have to give myself a good talking to!!

I know Im not the only one struggling - and it does help to know that. We keep each other going eh!!

thanks for your support isabella123 - good luck with your run and let us know!


Allyballyp profile image

Well done I have have just done R1of W3 and I can feel your pain. I thought I would repeat week 2 cause I got scared about week 3:( but I just manned up and did it and so glad I did. Having a rest day today then back on the prom tommorrow. Keep going we can do it ;)

AuntieAli profile image
AuntieAliGraduate in reply to Allyballyp

i love that allyballyp - "manned up"!! that's exactly what I had to do I think! WELL DONE YOU.

do you run on a prom? Gosh, take care.

WE CAN DO IT :-) !!

GoldenOldy profile image

Well done AuntieAli. It's amazing how we can do these runs. Our heads tell us 3 minutes is impossible, but you've shown us it isn't. Tomorrow I take on week 3, I'll be remembering this blog as I do it.

Thank you for your help - everyone says we can all do it, but especially because this as it is so close to my run I know I can do it. :-)

AuntieAli profile image
AuntieAliGraduate in reply to GoldenOldy

absolutely you can do it GoldenOldy!!

I found it hard and goodness knows what faces i was pulling trying to do that last 3 minutes! :-/ But, glad I pushed myself and I know you can do this too. we got to think where we started and how difficult 30 seconds was. Pah!!

Good luck!!


GoldenOldy profile image
GoldenOldy in reply to AuntieAli

Oh the faces, I'm with you there. I run along the road where I also take my dogs for a walk and I sometimes see a couple of neighbours. Last time I was walking I told them about this and explained that if I don't stop and talk it's because I don't want to interrupt the programme. In reality it's also because I won't have any breath to talk. They will be able to tell if I'm just on a stroll or doing one of the runs by the state of my face.

Well done to you again.

We can all do this - how fantastic is that?

Leyther1 profile image

Well done on sticking with it. It really is mind over matter sometimes isn't it! I love the sense of community on here, together we WILL get there one way or another :)

AuntieAli profile image
AuntieAliGraduate in reply to Leyther1

Cheers Leyther1 ! mind over matter indeed. I think the Friday night "treat" helps to jivvy me on too.... ;-0

Its a great community and I dont think id still be doing it if I werent part of it.

thank you.



ScottishHoosier profile image

Brilliant! You can do it!

AuntieAli profile image
AuntieAliGraduate in reply to ScottishHoosier

thanks ScottishHoosier!

sometimes I think it helps to switch off a little to take me mind off Laura saying how many more runs or minutes there is to go!!

WE can do it !!

keep on running :-)

mummyluvsyoo profile image

Well done to you! As a fellow Wk3-er I can fully empathise with your disbelief at running for three minutes. But isn't it a wonderful feeling when you complete the run? Keep it up : )

AnnieW55 profile image

Well Done AuntieAli. I love your blogs.

I'm glad my week runs are done in the dark because I can pull as many faces as I need to and no one can see :-) At the weekend I'm out early and don't see many people so my face can do it's own work out then too!

Take each run as it comes and don't worry what's ahead (as in the infamous w5r3) because by the time you get to it you will be ready. Just take it easy and at your own pace - sometimes I'm sure I can walk faster than I can run a certain part of my route.

Good luck for your next run.

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