YOU ALL CAME TO THE RESCUE LAST NIGHT :-). Then i wake to torrential rain and at 14.30, facing grey/black skies and still some rain i went for it...tummy bug and all. YES I AM ADDICTED!
It was a wonderful run and i started without timing the warm up walk so was fumbling with phone and earphones etc until Laura said to start. Then i turned on Robo-sport and put him away and just toddled off and kept toddling until eventually L said I'd done 10 mins. I just couldn't believe it.
The wind was fresh, it stopped raining and i carried on without overdoing the pace. I left Robo-sport doing his thing for the cool down and as i got to the car he said "5kms in 34 mins"and THAT WAS WITHOUT THE FIRST 5 MINUTES TO ADD TO THE DISTANCE! So now I'm dribbling a bit and as i was doing my cool down i was shouting above the wind and the music; "I can do this, i can really do this and i can sort out my pains and i can do this". God, i felt like Murray when he won his gold medal :-)!
Thank you for your Support, we can all do this!
Sara xox