Well, having asked for your advice about my ankle I have been to see my GP today. First I rang NHS direct to ask if I should go to GP, walk in centre or A & E. I had an interesting 10 minutes having told the nice man I had a pain in my ankle answering questions such as - Are you bleeding severely? Does your head, back or chest feel hot? etc. I know the poor man was only doing his job and making sure I wasn't in any danger but it was a bit of a palaver. Anyway he suggested the GP so I rang them and imagine my surprise when they said "Oh yes, we have an appointment this afternoon." Rather than the usual "We can see you 2 weeks on Tuesday." Again I understand they are very busy.
So went to see the nice young GP and told him I had started NHS couch to 5K and was on week 5 when I hurt my ankle. "Never heard of it," was his reply! Having prodded my foot a bit he decided that I have damaged the small ligaments at the top of my ankle. Ibuprofen will help with the pain and swelling, I can't take it, so it's the less effective gel for me! As for running, well apparently the pain could last anywhere up to SIX MONTHS!! He said rest for another week or so then start back with gentle run, walk regime to build up. He says that if it still hurts I should just continue as it's unlikely that it will cause any more damage.
Intending on starting back on Saturday if I make sure I rest well for what remains of the week. I will not have run for 3 weeks and so I think I will return to week 3 and see how I get on. Slap on the ibuprofen gel and take 2 paracetamol before I go. I'll let you know how I get on.
Thanks to everyone who gave me advice yesterday.